Friday, November 15, 2013

The Man From Earth? More like the...the...ok, I've got nothin'.

Busy, busy, busy week!

Last night was very relaxed, though. I watched Solaris (which I didn't fucking understand at ALL. I just sort of sat through it going "I...whuh...hrm...I...well fuck this, George Clooney."), went to The Rabbit Hole and had the most delicious pear martini (that was just about the size of my face, and it damn well better have been, for the price gouging), went and got sub-par greasy from Taco Star instead of my usual, then watched Ocean's Eleven. Ran into some YPNers at The Rabbit Hole. They were being obnoxiously loud, so it was pretty much down the hatch and bouncing out.

I'm playing hooky today to get some serious work done. I'm two papers behind, and thankfully I won't be docked for lateness on either of them. But I do want to get them done. First, though, is my philosophy quiz. Here's about how I look right now (THIS IS NOT A DRILL):

This is my second Red Bull in the last two hours, and I feel like I can fucking see sound.

My philosophy teacher sent me a response back on my last paper, and it annoyed me. I got an A on it, but the question he asked me was something I covered pretty much throughout the paper. I wanted to email him back, "Read it again, professor. Because I answered your questions." But I didn't, because I'm polite, I like my professor (a lot more after our talk last week), and also I owe him a paper.

Back to the grind, I suppose. I'd really rather be out taking photos right now. It's a spectacular day outside. I know this because I'm pretty sure I'm psychic now, due to slamming insane amounts of Red Bull at high speed.

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