So, tonight got super fucking real for a little bit. But all in all, it was a grand night. Allen and I grubbed on our super radical Thanksgiving schtuffs (seven layer dip and tortilla chips. Nailed it!), I took a double header of a particularly pleasant favorite thing of mine (it starts with a V and ends in -icodin, in case you were curious), Allen had a Xanax, and we watched some MST3K. Mike called to tell me he and Stevie were on their way. Lindsey showed up, quite unexpectedly, bringing Allen some food from her Thanksgiving thing she did today, and she hung out for a little bit. Then Stevie and Mike showed up, and we just steamrolled into about an hour of some seriously uncomfortable time. Stevie, Mike, and I were introduced to a corner of the internet we'd never seen, and I personally don't want to revisit it. Lindsey left, Allen went to bed, and Stevie, Mike, and I dicked around for about an hour. Mike and I are pretty big on repping movies and talking like we know things about said movies. Which we don't (tonight's movies were Gladiator, Chocolat, Crash, Castaway, and a few others. Gladiator more than anything else). Mike wins this game every single time, because I can't keep a straight face. Stevie said she couldn't handle it anymore, so they just went home.
My house is quiet now. I'm tired, but not tired enough to sleep. I'm thinking about taking a Xanax and going to sleep, but I've already had two vicodin, some booze, and two Redbulls. I'm starting to wonder if my heart is going to stop at some point in the next few hours.
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