Sunday, November 24, 2013

I can escape anything but....

Big Black Delta has done it again.

I listened to their entire CD today, and while I only liked a few songs on it, those songs are EXCEPTIONAL.

I did some solid research and digging today, and put together every single thing I want for my new camera. If I buy all 11 things I set aside, then I'll have my dream set up for 2,003.58. This includes the new camera I want, so I'm obviously quite the little bargain hunter.

I'm going to make my own bookshelf (I use that term loosely) to hang up on my wall so I can get rid of my bookshelf and have more space in my room. I'm hoping to find a small corner desk that I can stash in my room so I can get rid of my long desk entirely and use my office space as a photo/painting space.

Speaking of painting, I am plum out of canvas. I wanted to paint yesterday, so I went up to my art closet to find that I have absolutely nothing to paint on. I was upset. But not upset enough to go to Michael's and buy some more. I may do that on my way home, because I need to sit and paint, and this week will be perfect for that.

Stevie is going to give me a three level cage for the boys, and I'm very pleased about this. They need more space, and now I can get them a big exercise wheel and three hammocks (they're spoiled little brats, clearly). And um...maybe one more rat. Because I love my rats, and I think they're far more entertaining than cats are. Plus, my boys are always excited to see me, whereas my stupid fat black cat just sort of looks at me blankly and walks away. Unless I have important things to do...then she's all about it. What an old dummy.

My philosophy professor is teaching the ethics course I want to take next semester, but he's teaching it at a time that I can't attend. This is kind of a shame, because I like him quite a bit. However, Mike has the professor that is teaching the class I AM taking, and he says he's kind of awesome.

I'm procrastinating, in case it wasn't obvious to those of you playing the home game. I should stop.

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