Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Time flies by." They all sang along

I had to sit at home to wait for Comcast yesterday. So, what does a girl like me do in that situation? She day drinks!!

This is my new boyfriend. He's delicious.

Comcast showed up right when they were supposed to, which pleased me greatly. Apparently, the problem was that when the last fellow from Comcast came out to work on somebody else's cable, he added a splitter and that's what fucked up my internet and On Demand. But I have it back now. Hooray!

Here's what I'm listening to now:

The video is insanely fucking weird. Like, "not enough words for how weird this is"weird. It's some next level shit. But the song is so good. It makes me kind of sad. I went out and bought the actual CD last night, because I liked this song so much. The first few songs I've listened to are pretty damn good (for instance, I really like the song Telescope. A lot. For various reasons), but they all make me sad. For various reasons. I suppose it's just one of those weeks where that's the music I need to be listening to .

I have tutoring this afternoon, I have physics homework to finish (escape velocity! I love it so much!!), and a synthetic argument to hash out in three days. BUT!!!!!!!! Spring break! Spring break is next week. Oh my god, I am so fucking excited. I heard a rumor that my professors have been joking about giving homework over spring break, which would be divine. I know I have an exam in astronomy when I get back from break, but that's whatever. OH my god. I'm so excited for break. Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

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