Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Let's team up, you and I against the universe

What's going to be weird about this entry is I'm actually wildly happy. I'm in a fantastic mood, I'm looking forward to going to the gym with Allen this afternoon, I'm even excited about going to class tonight (even though I despise my professor). Stevie and I are supposed to hang out tonight, I have my photo trip in a few days, I'm going to Virginia in sixteen days, I'm going to see my mom, my sister, and my very best friend in two months, I got the most AMAZING letter of reference for job hunting (which I'll start when I get back from Virginia)...it's just a good, good day.


I was doing research on candid photos (I told Derek that we should hit up farmer's markets in a few months to take pictures of everything and everyone there), so I dug up my very favorite photography book to specifically look up this photo:

In an Insane Asylum, Turin, Italy (Raymond Depardon, 1979)

This is my very favorite photo, and has been for years and years and years. I can never remember the title of it, and I don't carry my book with me at all times. It's too big, or I would. It's such an amazing picture. It's the most brutal, honest, gorgeous, heartbreaking thing, and  it's perfect.

I found a few other photos when I Google-searched this one:

I don't know the title of this. :/

Or this one....

Or even this one.

But they're all wonderful. They're the closest things I can find to showing how it feels in my head when I'm in a downshift. And that, oddly, makes me happy. It helps me feel not so alone. And while I don't need that reminder right now, I imagine that, in the future. it's going to be perfect.

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