Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Possessed with the insight that enables me to laugh better

So, I have a few pictures to put up. One of them is even going to be of me. First:

I'm not sure if I've posted an Atmosphere song in here before. I feel like I have, but who knows? Anyway, Atmosphere is definitely a favorite of mine. Slug is a genius at extending metaphors to explain himself, and Ant seriously knows what he's doing when it comes to setting up a track. I haven't been this impressed with an Atmosphere song in a LONG time. It's getting me right in the feels, which I'm sure will be hard to understand. He just...his lyrics sound so tired, and his delivery is so deliberate and slow. The music is sad while it descends, and it fits perfectly with the rest of the song. Maybe it's because I feel so tired, deliberate, and slow lately. Whatever the reason, I'm definitely listening to this on repeat, digging out the golden lines and turning them over and over in my head. Allen and I were listening to it together, and I told him that I'm so impressed with Slug, Sage, and even Aesop Rock, but is it a bit sad that they've all displayed how they're growing up? He agreed that it was. He's been listening to them a lot longer than I have (I'm a decade in), but I definitely notice the progression from 2004. Everything changes eventually, I suppose.

I have my window open, and I'm watching the sunrise. The sky has never looked more alive to me. I should do this more often.

I don't need to wax rhapsodic anymore. Pictures!

 I went to a birthday shindig on Saturday night at Motif. The lighting in there is very red and moody. It made me look mottled. I promise I don't look like a blemished raspberry.
 Someone exploded the seagulls out of a cannon! But not really.
 Hoarfrost. I love you so much.
 I have been angling for the perfect picture of this tree for as long as I've had a camera. I KNOW there is a solid picture here somewhere, I'm just not sure this is it.
This isn't it, either. There should be bottom, but the stuff on the bottom is red curb, and that just doesn't fit. I'll figure it out eventually. I'm determined.

So, while I was writing this blog, I got some weird, pinwheel looking icon update on my phone. I pull down my menu, like ya do, and it says Google+ Awesome updated. Which I've never seen before. I click on it, and it's the above picture, with tacky, animated snow falling. I don't know why Google did that, but I wish it hadn't, because it looked awful. Suck it, Google. Don't speak unless you can improve the silence.

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