Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Still I'd rather be a pen than a sword

Spring break photography trip is officially happening. I'm pretty excited. It'll be short, but covering a lot of ground, so fairly whirlwind, as well. I think the plan is Texas, Durango, Silverton, home. I also think a train is involved? Maybe? I don't know all of the details yet, because I just don't.

I'm sitting at my desk in my room, finishing up my homework and daydreaming about universe things (like differential rotation! Oh Sun. You are so fascinating!), and I look over at my boys in their new, huge house. They've isolated Charlie, because he's a fucking dick that bites and bites HARD. So Figaro, Andes, and Bullet are in a big clump of rat in their hammock while Charlie sulks in the wicker nest. They may be clumped because it's extremely cold in my room, and they don't want to, you know, die. I had my window open, even though it's gusting wind and snow and sleet and all manner of unfriendly elements in here.

Allen is playing Titanfall in the living room, and I can hear his huge nerd boner from here. He keeps praising the game under his breath, and it's hilarious. I still haven't beaten Thief, and I don't think tonight is that night. I have studying to do and a paper to write, and also an extra credit review of Cosmos to write. Which will be an absolute pleasure, make no mistake.

I don't understand the inefficiency of the boxes offered at the post office.

I'm going to have to break Allen out of his shell in an hour so we can go to the gym, and I'm sure he won't be pleased.

Stevie and I are planning on watching Wreck-It Ralph tomorrow night. On her insistence. I'm hoping I have enough work done to justify the two hours that'll take tomorrow night. I have an exam in accounting that I'd really like to set ablaze and set on my professor's desk, because I hate accounting. But, you know, I'd get in trouble. And I hate trouble. I don't know how I'm going to fit all of this stuff in tonight. I'm probably only going to spend an hour at the gym, but in a week and a half, I can sort of relax. I am SO looking forward to this trip.

I may make a trip to Sephora to pick up my Stainiac, because I miss having it. It's really the only good thing that came out of my Birchbox subscription, which is why I stopped subscribing. I'm rambling.

Back to the homework grind!

But before I go, have this:

You're welcome.

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