Friday, March 14, 2014

Through the lies and the sins that ride the wind that blew

God. Fucking. Dammit. 

Now that that's out of the way, let's push forward!

I lost approximately 80% of my nose making this black and white. But that's ok. Those are my new glasses, which are far too big for this silly face of mine. But they're pretty!

I also finally got around to buying myself a watch with a HUGE face. It's a glittery turquoise inside, and the face has small little crystals around it. Wait, technology is a magical thing:

I'm not sure if I'll be able to go to the aquarium tomorrow as planned, because Comcast fucking sucks and can't get a technician out until 1-3. I'm supposed to meet up with Derek there to hang out, because he got back from the field a few days ago and I haven't gone to go say hi to him yet. I'm trying to find someone to hang out at the house so I can go to Denver exactly like I planned, but that probably won't work out.

Also, fuck you, Denver. If you were any kind of nice, you'd close your airport for the next two days.

I can't stop listening to this song:

My brain is jumbled up.

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