Thursday, October 31, 2013

Climb trees, go out on a limb

Holy fucking geez. Halloween, honestly.

My costume was kind of a wash, sadly. I slept until damn near noon (seriously. Fifteen minutes shy of noon), did a few things this morning....apparently. I have no recollection of doing ANYTHING between going to bed and waking up at 11:45. But I guess I took Allen to work? And went to the gas station? And who knows what else. I have no idea. All I know is, I woke up at 11:45 watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a Red Bull clutched to my chest like some sort of treasure and an unopened packet of breakfast crackers. On the plus side, I'm highly efficient when I sleep.

So again, costume = wash. I didn't get to do the things I wanted, so I just wound up looking kind of...kind of eighties. Which depressed me. But I'll do better with my costume next year. I've already got a few ideas (Tosh said we should go as the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus, and I LOVE that idea. Allen said the gang should all dress up as the IASiP crew doing The Nightman Cometh, and I love that idea, as well. I said I'd be a character from American Gods next year. So many ideas, and only one day to carry them out. Well drat), and now I have a whole year to work at them. But let's see how fucking stupid I looked today, shall we? Yes. Yes we shall.

Exhibit A:

1. I am wearing three layers of clothing so I wouldn't get too cold, even though I was bare-legged. Running shorts, denim shorts, and then the skirt. Sports bra, actual bra, tank top, running top, hoodie jacket. I'm two layers of clothing wider than I normally am.

2. I couldn't find a suitable fish, so I drew x-marks over a dolphin squeaky toy's eyes and then jammed it onto a bent out wire hanger. Brilliant, and crap.

3. I lost my perfectly damaged fishnets and had to buy a new pair, not scuffed up and bedraggled looking at ALL.

4. I fucking hate those chucks. They'd be kind of rad, if you didn't have to have the legs of a stick person to fit into them. Luckily, I needed to look nutty and disaffected, so the tying up with multiple pairs of string helped.

5. That silly ass wig. The wig I ordered was pictures. But when it arrived, it just sort of looked like the bride of Frankenstein was going through a phase, and I couldn't make it look the way it did when I saw the pictures of it. So, I wore my wig, but I didn't have time to do anything with it.

I wound up looking less like Delirium and more like an extra from Empire Records. Like I'm about to start singing Sugar High at any moment. My saving grace was nobody knowing who the fuck Delirium is. I could have nailed it, for all they know.

I have class in nine hours, and I can't sleep. My brain is going and going and going a million miles a minute.

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