Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When all else fails, ice cream. Ice cream all the time!

I'm having a bit of a crisis, and then it's on to bigger and better things.

I'm overwhelmed again. This week is full of full time work (I'm covering for everybody while they're in Texas), and full time school. I'm getting everything done, but at a bit of a cost (I got an 85 on my business quiz. I've been pulling 95s on those, and this chapter was no more difficult than the others. I knew one of the questions I got wrong, I just didn't pay attention and submitted the wrong answer. The other oneI'd kind of like to speak to my teacher about, but I have a feeling I'll lose that argument. I do like my Business professor, but he's very rigid. Anyway, the point is, I'm not paying attention as well as I normally do this week). I'm just left feeling a bit frazzled at work. Holly, however, has been a saint for me this week. I'm loving it, and I think I might order some flowers or something for her. The rest of my evening will follow this pattern:
1. Leave work and go DIRECTLY to class.
2. Get home, run.
3. Finish running, do a shitload of homework that includes philosophy reading and doing my quiz, putting the finishing touches on my post-modernism paper and submitting it, and if it's not 4am by the time I'm done with all of that, I want to get the jump on business and take my quiz, exam, and tackle some of my article review. My five page article review. I'm so ambitious!!

Moving on! See? I told you!

I went to the Muse concert last night. It blew my mother fucking mind. Again. I wasn't surprised by this. I lost my shit when they did Madness. It was an incredible performance, and that song sort of does things to me, anyway. But the entire concert was brilliant. I bought another Muse shirt (I wore it to class today! And I'll wear it to class later, as well! After I change out of my work clothes. :/ ) and got very high, but it was completely on accident. I had wonderful, wonderful seats, but I was sandwiched in by a couple above me and a couple below me, both smoking copious amounts of weed. And the smoke managed to surround my head and just...sort of...stay. So I was high. That's a thing that happened. I think it's I was vaguely annoyed by it last night, but this was while I was fighting my way through a parking lot for 45 minutes. It was all worth it, though. I had a fantastic time.

Fall is definitely coming. I walked outside the other day, and I felt that undercurrent of cold electricity that only fall breezes bring. It was gorgeous. I'm hoping to get a chance to go through GoG and take some more fall pictures like I did last year, since I know what I'm doing this time around. I do miss having time to take photos. :(

In ambiguous, but not really, news:
I. Am. So. Fucking. Excited. Also nervous. But more excited than anything else. I am bristling, in a good way, in all the right places. So there's that.

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