Friday, September 6, 2013

In which there's nothing of note. Plus my butt and my boobs.

It was a long day yesterday.

I got home from school around 8:45, took my clothes off (mostly, anyway), and started doing homework. I must have dozed off, because I woke up a bit later, face down, in the middle of this:

One of my rats dumped my drink onto my English syllabus (which I feel is somewhat appropriate), so it's all wet. But that's where I took a nap. A surprise nap.

I submitted something to a Tumblr I particularly enjoy last night. I'm not sure if they'll do anything with it. Probably not ,but that's ok. I'm going to post it in one of my other blogs, as well. Just to keep a record.

In completely unrelated to anything important news, both my butt and my boobs looked fucking AMAZING yesterday, and this trend is continuing today. Perfect! Just in time for my televised class. You know, where nobody sees me. Add to that how nice my hair looks? I'm living the girl dream trifecta right now.

I lost my history syllabus (and when I say lost, I mean misplaced. I know it's somewhere around my apartment. It's not in my room or my living room, so it's got to be in one of the folders in my office.), so I may have read more than I was supposed to. Which is never a bad thing in theory, it just kind of wastes time.

I have to go get ready for school now. I will be in classes all damn day. I have to work on my speech tonight, which means I have to pick up index cards. For some reason, picking those up when I bought everything else didn't occur to me. Oh, Drea! You're so silly sometimes.

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