Sunday, September 1, 2013

The beast with those four dirty paws

I know I'll write more tomorrow, but this happened tonight:

We were all playing Cards Against Humanity, and I heard a weird hissing sound. I could see Jack bouncing around something in the periphery, so I asked Tosh what toy he was playing with. She said she had no idea, so I got up and saw that he was fucking with this poor little bat.

Everybody starting hollering and exclaiming; I got the bat outside because I happen to love bats and I wasn't afraid. He had a hole in one of his wings, and it made me so sad. I thought for sure he was just going to die, so I asked Tosh for a box and put him in it. I gave him a little bit of water, and I was determined to take him to the zoo tomorrow morning. After an hour of very heated discussion, tossing him up in the air and hoping for the best won out. So I went in the house, because I didn't want to watch. They told me the got him up on a shovel and used that to chuck him skyward, and he flew off immediately. I'm skeptical, but I hope he did.

He's so fucking cute. I think he's a baby brown bat. I can't be sure, however. I'm so fucking tired right now, I just got home. I've been drinking, among other things, since 5:30.

I'll try and figure out what he is tomorrow. But for now, it's Ricky Gervais Show and sleep time.

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