Friday, September 6, 2013

We'll be good; This time we'll get it right.

A post with two drastically different trains of thought.

Thought pattern the first:

Week two down. It was an incredibly successful week. Here is what my Due Next schedule looks like:

I have a shitload of math homework due, and an exam in two weeks. But I'm not actually all that worried about it. I have a quiz due in business, and an article review, and then my discussion is due in two weeks. I'm not sweating any of those, either, as I'm doing very well in business. I have a speech due next week that I've only outlined, but I'm not worried about that, either. I have a few chapters to read in History, but I'm actually REALLY enjoying that class. Much more than I anticipated. While I was hanging out with Allen last weekend, I told him I was thinking about changing my major. I'm not thinking about that anymore, and I don't think that was ever a serious thought in my head. But I truly am loving that course so far. I have an essay due in English (technically two), but I outlined those in class today (even though I spent a good deal of the time block giggling with the three boys I sit with. Our teacher is such a delightful scatterbrain, and all of our giggling was related to her method of teaching. But it was all affectionate, because she's pretty radical. She's just a but nuts), so those are basically done. Then, in philosophy, I have a post-modernism paper due (I'm writing it on gender roles in a modern and post-modern society, because I'm not terribly ambitious about this paper), I have a quiz due, and then a presentation due on October 4th. BUT, I gave my professor my presentation outline today, and not only did he greenlight it, but he was REALLY excited about it. So that's done and out of the way. I'm pretty fucking on top of everything. I was initially nervous about this course load, but I'm starting to get into the groove of balancing work, school, homework, running, and sleeping (that's all I have any time for, which sucks), and I'm loving every second of it.

I am kind of bummed out that I don't have the time to hang out with the people I'm in class with. Superficially, I'm very well liked in my classes already. Everybody wants to sit and chat with me, and I've been asked to hang out with several people from every one of my classes. But I've had to say no to every invitation. I just don't have the time. Hopefully, I'll really get a schedule down pat where I WILL have the time to squeeze out going and having a few drinks with my classmates. But for now, I'm pretty jazzed about studying. I have an endgame in mind, and I can't deviate from that.

Second train of thought:

I've been listening to these two songs ad nauseum:

I think a lot about what music means. I listen to the words, and how they blend with the music, and how the music is its own entity, and then I apply it to things I have going on. I really love listening to music. It helps me unwind and cope. I have a lot of shit floating around in my head right now, and these are the songs I've wanted to listen to the most. I was listening to them tonight on my way home. I took a long detour out to Balanced Rock and GoG, and watched the stars while I listened. And I think I figured some of the stuff in my head out. I would be listening  them now, but I told myself I'd write this post and then do as much of my homework as I could.

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