Monday, September 30, 2013

Say you'll remember

I went to Michigan this past weekend. I was so happy to go, and so unhappy to leave. So unhappy.

I'm an oddly nervous flyer. Once I get on a plane, I'm resigned to my fate, and I calm down enormously. But before I take my clinically comfortable assigned seat, my head pulls a major fucking freak out on me. I imagine my fiery demise, and it's horrifying. I didn't do that on Sunday.

I generally write when I'm flying. I don't try and write anything good, I just write what I'm thinking. Sometimes it's good, other times it's just writing.

Here's what I wrote on my way home:

In a place that seems built on the premise of excited hello's and achingly sad goodbye's, I found myself alone while I walked through the Detroit Airport with tears falling too fast to hold back. What an odd thing, to be the only person crying openly in an airport. I wonder if this makes me more cowardly than my fellow travelers. Maybe I'm the bravest mother fucker here. Perhaps I'm the bravest person anywhere.

My flight only has about a half an hour left. I've taken a few photos of the outside of my window. Nothing spectacular, just photos. I'm trying to take pictures to keep my mind off of how sad I am. It's not working. The land below me is strange and unfamiliar. I am strange and unfamiliar.

There's a windfarm down below me, and I'm playing connect the dots in their erratic pattern. I don't know what the dots are supposed to be. I think I did it incorrectly.

There are huge, dry piece of land beneath me now. It looks like the moon. From here, everything is empty and perfect and far away. I'm almost anomalous, so far above everyone else. I remember that I'm on a full flight, so there are other people, as well. I don't think they care about any of this like I do right now. So I AM anomalous up here. The rivers make fractals in the land that looks like the moon; they twist through the ground below me, and they are all new and fascinating. For these last few glorious moments, they all belong to me.

The veil between me and the stratosphere is becoming less obvious. We're descending into Denver now, and I can see the mountains. It doesn't appear as though we've missed each other, but I'm glad to see them just the same. I'm pleased that they're here to welcome me back.

My heart feels sick and sad and lonely.

I can see cars again. Cars and buildings and miniature lives happening below me. I've been crying for hours above them all, and there's an odd satisfaction in knowing that my sad, sad face is hidden and unreachable to them.

The wheels have dropped. I'll be landing in moments.

I've cried the entire flight. I'm begging the plane to keep my tears. I don't want them. The plane doesn't, either.

So now, I prepare myself again to enter a place built on hello's and goodbye's, all of them surrounding me while I walk through them and cry. I'll be the bravest coward here, too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When all else fails, ice cream. Ice cream all the time!

I'm having a bit of a crisis, and then it's on to bigger and better things.

I'm overwhelmed again. This week is full of full time work (I'm covering for everybody while they're in Texas), and full time school. I'm getting everything done, but at a bit of a cost (I got an 85 on my business quiz. I've been pulling 95s on those, and this chapter was no more difficult than the others. I knew one of the questions I got wrong, I just didn't pay attention and submitted the wrong answer. The other oneI'd kind of like to speak to my teacher about, but I have a feeling I'll lose that argument. I do like my Business professor, but he's very rigid. Anyway, the point is, I'm not paying attention as well as I normally do this week). I'm just left feeling a bit frazzled at work. Holly, however, has been a saint for me this week. I'm loving it, and I think I might order some flowers or something for her. The rest of my evening will follow this pattern:
1. Leave work and go DIRECTLY to class.
2. Get home, run.
3. Finish running, do a shitload of homework that includes philosophy reading and doing my quiz, putting the finishing touches on my post-modernism paper and submitting it, and if it's not 4am by the time I'm done with all of that, I want to get the jump on business and take my quiz, exam, and tackle some of my article review. My five page article review. I'm so ambitious!!

Moving on! See? I told you!

I went to the Muse concert last night. It blew my mother fucking mind. Again. I wasn't surprised by this. I lost my shit when they did Madness. It was an incredible performance, and that song sort of does things to me, anyway. But the entire concert was brilliant. I bought another Muse shirt (I wore it to class today! And I'll wear it to class later, as well! After I change out of my work clothes. :/ ) and got very high, but it was completely on accident. I had wonderful, wonderful seats, but I was sandwiched in by a couple above me and a couple below me, both smoking copious amounts of weed. And the smoke managed to surround my head and just...sort of...stay. So I was high. That's a thing that happened. I think it's I was vaguely annoyed by it last night, but this was while I was fighting my way through a parking lot for 45 minutes. It was all worth it, though. I had a fantastic time.

Fall is definitely coming. I walked outside the other day, and I felt that undercurrent of cold electricity that only fall breezes bring. It was gorgeous. I'm hoping to get a chance to go through GoG and take some more fall pictures like I did last year, since I know what I'm doing this time around. I do miss having time to take photos. :(

In ambiguous, but not really, news:
I. Am. So. Fucking. Excited. Also nervous. But more excited than anything else. I am bristling, in a good way, in all the right places. So there's that.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The challenge does not wait, and life does not look back.

I called my uncle today. Then I called Amber. We talked a lot about mortality. It was depressing.

Today was not a depressing day, however.

I managed to finish every last crumb of my homework. How, I have no idea. I'm succeeding by the skin of my teeth. But who the fuck cares? I'm succeeding. except with this damn philosophy class. I got a 70 on my stupid fucking quiz. I looked at the answers I got wrong and I felt annoyed about being graded on something so fucking relative. I'm going to have a chat with my teacher and see if I can lawyer my way into a better grade. Again. But I can't keep pulling in less than an A and then argue my way out of it (I mean, I CAN, and I'm sure I will be able to get at least an 80 by the time I'm done talking). I need to start thinking like my professor. It is beyond strange to me that I have, as of right now, a C in philosophy, and that is by FAR my worst grade. I have an A in math. A fucking A. If you solve for that, it equals utter surprise, in case you were curious. I'm busting my ass apart in that course, obviously, but it's still odd that philosophy is giving me the hardest time.

I did my photo shoot today. I thought Christine and her family were going to stop by here, but they cancelled that plan, and we met at Acacia Park. Where I felt fairly intimidated by the other people milling around. Also it smelled weird there. But I wanted to go up to everybody and take their picture and ask them their names and chat with them for a little bit, though they really did make me exceptionally nervous. Hopefully I'll find time to edit those photos this weekend. My homework load for the next three days is intense. I have two papers to write (possibly three, since I haven't been to English yet. Maybe even four, since  haven't had to   shred of actual work in history, just an assload of reading. I could get up and go to my desk to check, but I'm about to go to bed and I'd really rather not. It's going to be the first time in almost a month I've gone to sleep before two. I'm so excited about this! Anyway, two papers, a discussion, two quizzes, math homework, and who knows what reading will be assigned to me tomorrow. But I have to get it all done by Sunday night. I will have no time this week at ALL. I'm working the entire week, every single day, and still going to school, plus I have my concert on Tuesday (I'm so excited!!). I'm having a girl night with Tosh tomorrow, and I am REALLY looking forward to that. We're going to dye our hairs, and watch Gone with the Wind, have dinner, and maybe wine.

I am so sleepy. And I have zero work to do. I can go to bed! It's Litt-tastic!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Please please please

There is such a fantastic rainstorm going on outside right now. No thunder, no lightning, just the sounds of drops beating against the ground.

It's 1:15. I just finished writing, rehearsing, timing, rewriting, rehearsing, timing, and once more rewriting and rehearsing my speech. I've been trying to catch my speaking hang ups...very oddly, I don't do well when I have to read material that's on index cards. I'm much better when i'm free to improvise. But my speech has to be exactly three minutes, and that doesn't leave any room for winging it. I'll have to practice it some more tomorrow. In the day that doesn't have enough hours for all of the things I need to accomplish. I have a photo shoot tomorrow, straightening up my apartment for the guests coming over in the early afternoon, studying for my philosophy quiz, reading my history chapters, studying the fuck out of some math and beginning that really is overwhelming when I stop and think about it. But I'm not going to withdraw from any of my classes. I am more than capable of handling this. Moreover, I am very much enjoying being in school.

I'm so tired, but I can't sleep. My brain won't stop running at a million miles an hour. I may stay up for one more hour and get a jump on this cleaning business. For now, though, I am very much enjoying sitting next to my window, staring outside, watching and listening to the falling rain.

Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm so curious, and I'm so curious, and I'm so curious, and I've got laser eyes.

I had such a long day today.

I set 45 showings (which is INSANE, for those of you playing the home game), had two meetings averaging 45 minutes a piece, did two agendas, outlined fifteen MC strategies for growth, retention, and education, AND managed to knock out a fair amount of my homework. Not enough that I'm not still staring down the barrel of tons of homework tonight and tomorrow, but a lot just the same.

Anali had a major closing a week ago, so she bought lunch for everyone today. I had a grilled chicken sandwich sans anything delicious (not that grilled chicken isn't super tasty, but minus mayo and things of that ilk, it's a bit bland) and steamed broccoli. Tosh and I were supposed to go to lunch together, but we pushed it off until tomorrow.

I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed today. I'm having a weird panic moment, and I'm telling myself that there's no way I can be successful at getting my degree (oh. Because I talked to my adviser and put myself on the fast track to get my bachelor's degree in two years. Two), and I'm not smart enough for this, and I am probably the laughing stock of everyone for even trying. I don't know what's going on. I know this isn't the case. I know that I'm fucking determined, and when I want something, I will destroy anything that gets in my way to get it. I do what needs to be done. It's one of my four redeeming qualities. I just feel oddly scared and unsure of myself right now.

Perhaps burying myself in homework will help.

Friday, September 6, 2013

We'll be good; This time we'll get it right.

A post with two drastically different trains of thought.

Thought pattern the first:

Week two down. It was an incredibly successful week. Here is what my Due Next schedule looks like:

I have a shitload of math homework due, and an exam in two weeks. But I'm not actually all that worried about it. I have a quiz due in business, and an article review, and then my discussion is due in two weeks. I'm not sweating any of those, either, as I'm doing very well in business. I have a speech due next week that I've only outlined, but I'm not worried about that, either. I have a few chapters to read in History, but I'm actually REALLY enjoying that class. Much more than I anticipated. While I was hanging out with Allen last weekend, I told him I was thinking about changing my major. I'm not thinking about that anymore, and I don't think that was ever a serious thought in my head. But I truly am loving that course so far. I have an essay due in English (technically two), but I outlined those in class today (even though I spent a good deal of the time block giggling with the three boys I sit with. Our teacher is such a delightful scatterbrain, and all of our giggling was related to her method of teaching. But it was all affectionate, because she's pretty radical. She's just a but nuts), so those are basically done. Then, in philosophy, I have a post-modernism paper due (I'm writing it on gender roles in a modern and post-modern society, because I'm not terribly ambitious about this paper), I have a quiz due, and then a presentation due on October 4th. BUT, I gave my professor my presentation outline today, and not only did he greenlight it, but he was REALLY excited about it. So that's done and out of the way. I'm pretty fucking on top of everything. I was initially nervous about this course load, but I'm starting to get into the groove of balancing work, school, homework, running, and sleeping (that's all I have any time for, which sucks), and I'm loving every second of it.

I am kind of bummed out that I don't have the time to hang out with the people I'm in class with. Superficially, I'm very well liked in my classes already. Everybody wants to sit and chat with me, and I've been asked to hang out with several people from every one of my classes. But I've had to say no to every invitation. I just don't have the time. Hopefully, I'll really get a schedule down pat where I WILL have the time to squeeze out going and having a few drinks with my classmates. But for now, I'm pretty jazzed about studying. I have an endgame in mind, and I can't deviate from that.

Second train of thought:

I've been listening to these two songs ad nauseum:

I think a lot about what music means. I listen to the words, and how they blend with the music, and how the music is its own entity, and then I apply it to things I have going on. I really love listening to music. It helps me unwind and cope. I have a lot of shit floating around in my head right now, and these are the songs I've wanted to listen to the most. I was listening to them tonight on my way home. I took a long detour out to Balanced Rock and GoG, and watched the stars while I listened. And I think I figured some of the stuff in my head out. I would be listening  them now, but I told myself I'd write this post and then do as much of my homework as I could.

In which there's nothing of note. Plus my butt and my boobs.

It was a long day yesterday.

I got home from school around 8:45, took my clothes off (mostly, anyway), and started doing homework. I must have dozed off, because I woke up a bit later, face down, in the middle of this:

One of my rats dumped my drink onto my English syllabus (which I feel is somewhat appropriate), so it's all wet. But that's where I took a nap. A surprise nap.

I submitted something to a Tumblr I particularly enjoy last night. I'm not sure if they'll do anything with it. Probably not ,but that's ok. I'm going to post it in one of my other blogs, as well. Just to keep a record.

In completely unrelated to anything important news, both my butt and my boobs looked fucking AMAZING yesterday, and this trend is continuing today. Perfect! Just in time for my televised class. You know, where nobody sees me. Add to that how nice my hair looks? I'm living the girl dream trifecta right now.

I lost my history syllabus (and when I say lost, I mean misplaced. I know it's somewhere around my apartment. It's not in my room or my living room, so it's got to be in one of the folders in my office.), so I may have read more than I was supposed to. Which is never a bad thing in theory, it just kind of wastes time.

I have to go get ready for school now. I will be in classes all damn day. I have to work on my speech tonight, which means I have to pick up index cards. For some reason, picking those up when I bought everything else didn't occur to me. Oh, Drea! You're so silly sometimes.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"The time has come," the walrus said

As fair warning...and I am always doing my best to be fair...this won't have any pictures. It was an incredibly fucked up-ish kind of day, and I need to unload my brain a bit.

I stayed up late studying last night. I had initially planned on waking up at 8, going for a run, coming back to study some more, and then going to class. But when my alarm went off, every part of my body unanimously decided "fuck that idea. Sleep some more instead!" So that's exactly what I did. Aside from one sad dream and one truly bizarre one, it was fairly glorious. I woke up at 11:00 to my phone ringing. Very persistently, I felt. It was my dad, calling to tell me that my uncle Paul had been put back in the hospital a few days ago, and he hadn't called me because he wanted to wait and see what was going on.

He knows what's going on now.

My uncle has a very rare, very awful kind of lymphoma. I can't recall the name of it. At any rate, he's been put back in the hospital because he has a lung infection and a spleen infection. My uncle has lost probably 80 pounds going through all of his treatment, and my dad says that his spleen infection is so bad that he has a very pronounced bubble on his thin frame, because his spleen is so swollen and there's nothing there to hide the bulge.

He's not fighting either of these infections off. So, they're putting him into hospice. The doctors told my dad (he's been in the hospital with Paul for the last couple of days) that his prognosis is incredibly grim. Best case scenario, he doesn't make Halloween. Worst case scenario, any day could be his last. They offered Paul a sort of ditch effort, hail Mary treatment that could give him an extra month, but he'd be even more sick than he already is. My dad said Paul doesn't want to take that. I told my dad that I understand that; If I had a matter of weeks to live, I'd want to spend them feeling as good as possible. This didn't make my dad happy. He said Paul feels the same way, but he (he being my dad) doesn't like it. Nobody else does, either. I could tell by the somber tone in my dad's voice, and the slight timbre, that he was very emotional, and now wasn't the time for a conversation on why my dad wanting to urge Paul to take the treatment was selfish and wildly ridiculous. So I kept my mouth shut. My dad went on to tell me that I should call my uncle and tell him my prayers are with him. I don't know what possessed me to respond in this manner, but I told him that I'd happily call Paul, but I wasn't going to tell him anything about prayers, because I don't pray, and it wouldn't do any fucking good, and it's stupid, trivial false comfort. My dad said that Paul doesn't believe in prayer, either. There was so much disdain in his voice, and he very quickly said he had to go. So I told him I'd call Paul in a few days, after he's had some time to rest.

I've been thinking about this all day. Not so much the very real notion that my uncle will be dead in a matter of months...I've been rattling that about for the last year (he was diagnosed almost a year to the day with this lymphoma, and they offered up a best case life expectancy of a year and a half), and I've been waiting for the phone call saying he's on his death bed. Which, I suppose, came today. So I'm waiting for that no longer.

No, what I was thinking about was having little to no faith and being that close to death. My uncle and I are the only ones on my dad's side of the family that aren't devout Catholics. My uncle has always been sort of an outsider with my family because of that. The older I've gotten, the more fringe I've become, as well. But I was sitting outside after my run tonight (I didn't flake out on it entirely! And I kicked ass, too. Average over three miles was 7:29. Not too shabby!) and thinking about what I'd say to my uncle. And I felt guilty for wanting to ask him, "Now that you're facing death in a far more real capacity than I have to, how does it feel to stare it in the face without a God to believe in and comfort you?"

It sounds so condescending. Without proper context, the question has a thick slime of holier-than-thou, don't-you-wish-you-believed-now dripping off of every single word. But it's a legitimate question, and one that I really would like to ask him.

In my own way, I've kind of faced m own mortality. Two rounds, going on three, with cervical cancer, and this new breast cancer scare, I think about dying more than I want to. But it's not immediate. Not yet. I know I'm going to die. I don't know when, or what will actually get me. I know it's coming, however. And it doesn't scare me. At this point in my life, I feel like death is going to be nothing. It will just be something I do, and I won't know the difference afterward. If I'm wrong, I'll find out when the time comes. But if I'm right, then it doesn't matter one bit. I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't know.

My uncle has been writing short stories. He's sent them to me, and I've never known how to respond, because I don't enjoy the way they're written. I feel like I should suck it up and send him some positive critiques, even if I'm maybe mucking the opinion a bit by saying I loved it. This has also been something I've been thinking about all day. I've never been one for lying. There's no point to it. I've always been proud of my willingness to be honest, even when it hurts me more than the person I'm being honest with (and make no mistake, that's a thing). But I feel like I should make an exception for my uncle. He's a good guy, and I'd like to do something that would make him happy before he passes away. He loves sharing his stories with people. The least I can do is send him an email or ten back in response to his stories saying, "Hey! These were great! You know what? Tweak these tiny things and it's completely amazing.". There is absolutely no harm in that.

I think I'm going to do that. It makes me so sad that I can't be there with my family right now, because I know they're all hurting over Paul. And it makes me even more sad that I can't sit and talk with my uncle about his possible fears about dying without the turn-to-god stuff I know my family is giving him.

There's that nagging bit at the back of my brain that says if only I could talk to Paul, I'd be able to provide a small amount of solace. That even though he's dying, we could share in cancer-y commonalities, and laugh at the idea of death, and talk about how it's almost exciting to be dying, because either you'll know you were wrong about God, or you'll know nothing and it won't matter. The ultimate question answered.

I suppose everybody thinks they're the one person who could make that difference. There's always a story, or a person, that you wish you had maybe done more, or said more, or asked more questions, or done something, anything other than what you did, before they died. Or before they left forever. Or before they took a turn for the worst. Whatever it is. We all have it, or we're living that scenario now, or it's coming. These awful, scary, sobering situations meet with us all. And if they don't, you're not doing life correctly.

I've been wondering about the things that matter this evening. I finished studying, fixed myself a light drink, and I've been staring into space, making lists of the things and people that matter, and the things and people that don't. I have a lot of bullshit to sort out and throw away. I simply don't need those things or people any longer. I recognize the value they brought to the table, and I appreciate the things I've learned, and how I've grown as a person. But keeping a textbook from middle school doesn't do anything but take up space that would be better served with something more useful and pertinent now.

So I'm cleaning out my life. Maybe it sounds cutthroat and overly simplistic, but I simply don't have the time for people that don't really value me. They do nothing but keep me stagnant and wistful. In the last two months alone I've changed so much and propelled myself forward so far that I can't see where I initially started. And I love this. I will always, always value the people who've helped me get to where I am, but saying that you need everybody in your life around forever is foolish and overly-sentimental. There's no sadness in moving forward and leaving people behind if it's ultimately better for you.

This is what evaluating my uncle's prognosis is helping me see. I'm sad about the idea of not having him here anymore. He's a wonderful man. But, however narcissistic and evil this may sound, I don't know if I'd be able to recognize how much dead weight I've been lugging around if it weren't for the immediacy of his pending death. And I'm packing some hefty baggage.

So, I'm going to work on letting go.

Right after I email my uncle.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Where chances breathe between the silence

So, let's see what kinds of photos I accomplished today:

I wanted to take bright, pretty pictures of flowers. Looking at something aesthetically pleasing and snapping away was a welcome respite from grinding my way through formulas.

I'm finding I have less and less to do in post. This pleases me ever so much.

Yellow is hardly a favorite color for most, but I fucking LOVE it. It's so sunny and cheerful. 

I chased this little guy around for the better part of my photo taking. Unfortunately, I can't control the shutter speed in AP mode, and I can't control the aperture in SP mode. So, this was the best shot of him I could muster. At one point, I was juggling concentration between three different hummingbird moths, but I was delighted. Nature is so fucking cool.

Again, nature is so. fucking. COOL. My brain knows that there are more beautiful places on the planet. I've seen a very, very, very small percent of them. But I'm hard pressed to think of them when I'm driving through Garden of the Gods. I won't know how to process not having this to drive around anymore when I move. It's been my touchstone when I'm upset, or when I need to unwind, or when I just want to feel calm and humble. 

I gave fat black cat one of my mittens covered in catnip mist. She tore the mitten to shreds and then rolled around in the bits, looking incredibly pleased with how her life has turned out. I, on the other hand, need new mittens (fuck, I'm clever). 

I have to get back to studying now. Even though I'd really just like to go to sleep. I suspect I've got about two and a half hours before I can go to bed. 1 am is looking pretty brilliant to me right now. 

All distances in space and time are shrinking, yet the abolition of all distances brings no nearness.

Stevie and Mike did wind up coming by last night.

I drank too much. So did Stevie. Mike had to help her maneuver her way through my apartment so she could go pee. I've never seen her that drunk before. We had a great time, though. Mike is pretty fantastic, and it's awesome to see someone holding Stevie's attention for an extended period of time.

I studied for HOURS today. But it paid off. 96% on my math. Well, the first half, anyway. I still have forty more problems, and my quiz. I have to finish it all tonight, since it's due tomorrow and I'll be in class most of the day. I'm going to run in about an hour, and then when I get home, I'm fully planning on showering, eating, studying, then blow-drying my hair and studying some more. I don't think I'll get to bed before two tonight. That's ok, though. I woke up at nine this morning, and it was a lovely, lazy day. Even though I spent most of it studying.

I was studying outside, concentrating incredibly hard (due to maths), and I heard this bizarre sound, and it felt suddenly very breezy. I looked up, and there was a hummingbird right in my face. And when I say right in my face, I mean it couldn't have been more than five inches from my nose. I was so excited! He flew away shortly after, but for the few seconds he was hanging out, I was smitten.

I took a bunch of photos today during a study break, and then I drove through GoG as a storm rolled in. I haven't looked at those photos yet, but I might be able to magically squeeze some time in to edit a few later.

I got a new pair of glasses. They're quite smart. I might see if Stevie will take a picture of me in them. Just because.

Monday, September 2, 2013

It hides behind your eyes, and I can feel it in my bones


I got a 95% on my business quiz! Which was WAY longer than I anticipated it being. But that's ok. 95 percent. That works for me. It's not 100, but I definitely don't hate it.

Even though that score makes me giddy (and to add to that giddiness, I found out that my Phi test was definitely not graded yet, so I probably got somewhere around the 95% neighborhood on that, as well. If not 100%), tonight is a rough night. I'm incredibly sad.

Stevie is supposed to come by so we can drink. I've been waiting for her for over an hour now, and I skipped running specifically so she could come over. Which blows, because I was quite looking forward to my run tonight.

I tried to take some pictures on my phone to cheer me up today. It didn't help.

The garden entrance was taken in the HDR mode on my phone, which has failed to impress thus far. However, I know it's because of the pictures I've tried to take with it rather than the mode itself.

Fat black cat and the rats are hanging out with me. I'm so drained and tired. I think I'm going to go to bed now. I don't have to work tomorrow, but I do have to spend the entire day studying math, finishing that homework, and completing that quiz. I'm not looking forward to it.

I'm hoping I'm happier tomorrow. This sadness shit has got to go.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The beast with those four dirty paws

I know I'll write more tomorrow, but this happened tonight:

We were all playing Cards Against Humanity, and I heard a weird hissing sound. I could see Jack bouncing around something in the periphery, so I asked Tosh what toy he was playing with. She said she had no idea, so I got up and saw that he was fucking with this poor little bat.

Everybody starting hollering and exclaiming; I got the bat outside because I happen to love bats and I wasn't afraid. He had a hole in one of his wings, and it made me so sad. I thought for sure he was just going to die, so I asked Tosh for a box and put him in it. I gave him a little bit of water, and I was determined to take him to the zoo tomorrow morning. After an hour of very heated discussion, tossing him up in the air and hoping for the best won out. So I went in the house, because I didn't want to watch. They told me the got him up on a shovel and used that to chuck him skyward, and he flew off immediately. I'm skeptical, but I hope he did.

He's so fucking cute. I think he's a baby brown bat. I can't be sure, however. I'm so fucking tired right now, I just got home. I've been drinking, among other things, since 5:30.

I'll try and figure out what he is tomorrow. But for now, it's Ricky Gervais Show and sleep time.

I've got a golden ax, and I chop cherry trees down

So, I checked yesterday, fairly immediately after I posted my excitement over hitting 2222, only to see that I had missed the mark by one view. I got to see 2223, but that only made me annoyed that I missed 2222. Oh well. I'll closely watch for 3333.

I'm currently in the middle of a personal crisis. Not a personal one, but I'm having a fairly legitimate fake panic attack. I may or may not have failed my first philosophy quiz. By 100%. I think that the quizzes and tests get graded long after I submit them, and I'm pretty sure that the cursory grade I'm seeing right now reflects the fact that I answered the questions rather than the correctness of my answers. Mostly because I'm confident in the fact that I got them all right. But it's not stopping me from freaking the fuck out over a possible bad grade.

Tosh and I worked out for like, two hours last night. We got rained out of our run, so we played workout games on the Kinect and had a blast. I missed out on studying with Stevie last night because she didn't get my texts in time, but I had a shitload more fun playing the Kinect with Tosh (if it turns out I really DID fail that quiz, guess what I won't be doing ever again? Yeah. Anything fun). It takes photos of you at the times it thinks you're going to look the most ridiculous, and it was right on the nose for our pictures.

I rocked it out here at work yesterday, so I had nothing to do today but study. I'm taking a break to write this and tell Amber about my freak out regarding my possible joke of a quiz-taking. I still have my business quiz to take, my math homework(s) to finish, and my math quiz to take. I also have about six chapters to read, but I can get those done over the next few days.

I fell asleep on the floor last night. Not even my own floor. I was hanging out with Allen, and I just kind of...gave up. I laid down on the floor and he kicked me awake thirty minutes later. Because he's a good friend. I told Allen that if I'm this fucking tired after my first week, that it doesn't bode well for the rest of my career. He told me that I'm being ridiculous, it's my first week and I'm getting used to it.

In two hours, I have to go home, change, go pick up Allen, and then go to Tosh and Ryan's for game night. Yay!! Ryan came by the office this morning and picked up Balderdash. I was telling Tosh yesterday that I would much rather sit with my friends at someone's house, drinking and playing board games, than go out and slam drinks in some shitty, loud, sweaty club. I am 100% ok with this.

Last night, on my way over to Allen, was possibly the most gorgeous I've ever seen Colorado look. It had been pretty fucking rainy and ugly while I was at Tosh's, but when I left...perfection. The clouds were still in the sky, but they parted beautifully over the mountains. Thick, hazy beams of sunshine fell over the peaks of the mountains, the sky was a fantastic cornflower color, and best of all, a murmuration of starlings flew over. It brought to mind one of my favorite words. Bucolic. It only sort of fit the scene, but I thought about it just the same.

I'm going to study for my business quiz now. I left my business notebook with all of my chapter notes at home on my desk, so, due to my extreme panic over this philosophy quiz, I just decided to start from scratch for my business quiz and redo the entire chapter. It can't hurt. I've been delaying taking all of my quizzes, because I'm so terrified of doing poorly on everything. I'm such a horrid over-achiever, and I cannot bear the thought of anything less than perfection, that I'm petrified of even trying. But, fuck a whole lot of that noise now. I broke the first ice block. I've got this.