Friday, October 31, 2014


So, here's how my face looked this morning.

It got steadily worse throughout the day...

I couldn't move my face at all.

But everybody told me I looked scary as fuck. Not in those words, due to workplace environment, but I was a bit bummed, as that wasn't the point.

Oh, well.

I came right home and washed it off. It took ten minutes to get rid of it all, and I look scarier now than I did before:

But it feels fucking radical to have all of that shit off of my face. It took an hour. I did get quite a lot of compliments on it. It didn't look anywhere NEAR as good as the picture I saw of it on the internets, but that's ok. I didn't totally fail at it, so I think I can write this one down as a win.

Amber and I are going to watch Addams Family Values tonight. I will also be finishing my paper. Oh boy.

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