Sunday, November 2, 2014

Can we kiss like we do in my head

Photos were cancelled for today. It's better this way, I suppose. It gives me more time to do my paper. Also to fuck around on my blog, as I'm clearly doing right now. My house is empty and quiet, so I'm listening to Van Morrison and singing at the top of my lungs.

My morning booze-a-thon has worn off, and I think I can finally concentrate. My muscles are super sore from working out yesterday (especially my bad arm), but I'm kind of excited to go back and work out again today. I'm only doing boxing on the weekends, and I'm running three days a week. I was going to wait until the semester was over, but this really helps me clear my head.

My long hair gets taken out tomorrow. I think my hair is too fine to stay in the braids, so the braids come undone, and the extensions become loose. I must look hideously messy, though nobody tells me I do. They're just being kind. I think I look terrible. I love having long hair, but it will be nice to just have my reliable, not bizarrely loose-looking hair back.

One more month, and I'll be spending the day shooting a wedding. I'm starting to get nervous. I tried to find a second on a photographer website, and I've talked to a couple of people, but I think I'm going to be just fine on my own. I'll sling both camera bodies on my person, with a 70-200 on one and a 27-70 on the other, and I'll just keep the other lenses in a....I don't know. Do they make camera lens fanny packs? Lugging around my gear bag would look clunky and bizarre. Whereas a fanny pack would look sleek and COOL and not at all lame or unprofessional.

I'm telling myself that if I finish my paper tonight, I can spend the evening in my room, listening to music, painting, and drinking. This is an amazing motivator. So I suppose I should go finish this paper. I really want to spend my night painting. Also, if I finish my paper tonight, I can spend tomorrow after I Get out of class driving around and taking photos. I haven't done that in ages. Because the laptop decided that it wanted to be possessed again, I had to wipe the entire thing, and the laptop was out of commission for two whole days. But the good news is, I now have Lightroom 5 instead of 4, AND I have Canon's HDR processing software (it apparently comes with their cameras when you purchase them. Hooray!), so I want to go out and take more photos and see if I can hone my skills in on this whole HDR thing. It's fancy. I like it. But I want to do it well, and not be disgusting about it.

Which reminds me....

I referenced this photo the other day, but I realized after said reference that I hadn't actually posted it on here. So I may have made myself look like I'm shaped like an idiot.

But there it is, with whispers of crepuscular rays all about the thing.

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