Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'll take my clothes off, and it will be shameless

I have (excluding this week, since I have it off) two weeks left of the semester.

For the most part, this has been a fantastic semester. Let's break it down, shall we?

Logic (or mind your Ps and Qs, literally; Bertrand Russell licks balls in hell):

This class has been mostly breezy. There are a couple of the people in class with me that have really tested my patience with their bullshit interjections, but other than that, I've enjoyed the class. I don't have to take any more philosophy classes, so I won't. Not even as electives. It's maddeningly boring. My professor is delightfully spacey, but kind. I've had three big projects for this class, and due to my amazing skills at powerpoint, I've aced them all. I got a B on my big writing assignment simply because she thinks I write well...but I still maintain that there are some people who would argue the point of bees making terrible pets. That's neither here nor there, however.

Sociology of Deviant Behavior (or nothing here is science, but let's pretend this is a legitimate field of study)

I hate this class. I hate it so much. I'm failing it. And I don't even fucking care, because this class is pointless. Is it interesting to theorize on why people do and say things? Yup. But I can do that at a coffee shop with my friends for a shitload less money. My friend Kristen once described philosophy as the history of bored, rich white men getting it wrong...that pretty much sums up my feelings on this class. Also, I don't think my professor cares for me very much. Which shouldn't deter me from enjoying the class, but it does make it hard to maintain ground when I want to speak out against some ridiculous new theory we're learning. And I speak out all the time. As you might imagine, it doesn't go well.

Psychology (or love is just neurotransmitters; anger is just neurotransmitters; the human experience is neurotransmitters; neurotransmitters)

I love my psych class. So much. The human brain is a marvel, and I have learned so, so much. My final project was immensely interesting, and I have discovered I'm enthralled by neurospychology. My professor is a bit dry, but overall, I really, really enjoy him. I just wish lecture didn't go until 10 in the evening. I am so pleased I changed my major.

Human Geography (or maps...who the fuck needs them?)

This class is hideously dull, but I fucking LOVE my professor. I've slowly collected professors that I maintain relationships with...I'd like her to be another one. She's fun and interesting and I'd really like to talk to her as a person, and not as my professor. I truly value and enjoy the friendships I have with the other two professors I still speak to fairly regularly...we go to lunch, or coffee, and it's lovely. I hope I can do that with this professor. But this class, outside of my professor, makes me want to fall asleep. And when it's not doing that, it's asking me to read about things that are just plain depressing.

In other news, I go get my Christmas present tattoo on Wednesday morning at 10 am. I'm so excited!

Thanksgiving is going to be amazing. I'm going to make my sweet potato puff pastries (they're always a hit when I invest the time) and my orange cranberry sauce. There's going to be two turkeys, lobster, a ham, and so. many. side dishes. My friends are coming, and we're going to spend the day eating, watching movies, drinking, and enjoying each other. I love my friends. I love them so much. They make me happy, even when they're annoying as hell. I wouldn't trade my people for anything in the world.

Dragon Age is fucking AWESOME.

I have a new boyfriend: Captain Morgan 1671. I think it's serious; I might be in love.

Saturday night, I went to a party at Tosh and Ryan's. Holly and I met up for drinks before we headed over there, because pre-gaming is still a thing in your thirties. She's begun seeing a new fellow, and she got angry when I told her she needs to slow her roll, because she sounds crazy. It kind of became the joke of the night, which may sound mean, but it's not. I drank way more than I should have, Ryan insisted on playing King's Cup, which I don't think anybody older than 18 plays earnestly. The game fizzled out, we drank some more, and then played Cards Against Humanity (which I won by a solid landslide). There was a very real drunk argument over Jimmy Paige and Edge of U2 fame, which I may have recorded on my phone, giggling the entire time because I thought it was so ridiculous.

The girls and I were supposed to have brunch this morning at my new secret brunch spot (that has two dollar mimosas, and I refuse to say no to that), but Tosh was way too hungover, and Holly may very well be angry at me for everything I said last night. So I enjoyed brunch without them and had a lovely time.

I went to Barnes and Noble to buy Love and Space Dust, but they don't carry it. It's a print on demand book, so I didn't even bother ordering it.

I put on my new furry ankle boots (they're adorable! and practical...ish!) and went for a small walk in the snowfall this afternoon, and it was lovely.

Other than that, I've been taking it easy. I took an impromptu nap at 8 this evening and woke up at ten, full of energy, which is why I'm up at 1:45 writing my blog and drinking a warmed, boozed up cup of cider.

I don't think I'll have time this week to blog much, though I know I'll get on on Wednesday after I get my tattoo. I'm hoping my meteorite necklace comes before the week is over, because I want to take a picture of it with my new tattoo. It will be the most perfect combination since I paired up with this delightful drink.

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