It's been an interesting few days.
Last night was my last night of class for the week. It was kind of an emotional lecture. We did this exercise on privilege, and it hit a lot of nerves. Not in a bad way, but in the good, eye-opening kind of way.
I have a project that's due on Monday on fallacies. I've started the research bits of the project, and I'm positive I'll be able to finish the project in a spectacular fashion by Monday morning at 8:30. I'm essentially teaching everybody about fallacies (well, a fallacy in particular. But it has a huge amount of sub-fallacies, so there's that). I'm quite good at speaking in front of others. I'm not concerned.
I AM concerned about my Human Geography test. I'm hoping to finish my project by tomorrow night so I can buckle down with those chapters (all fucking five of them) and ace this thing. I got a 65 on the first test. I could have taken it again, but I opted not to. I earned the grade, and I generally do try and stick with what I deserve. I DID get a 60/60 on my paper, which obviously pleased me. That textbook is so god damn boring. I love listening to my professor lecture, but that's probably because she doesn't really lecture from the book. Which, in case you were curious, helps me not at all when trying to do my tests.
I also got a 55 on my last quiz in sociology. But, in fairness, I didn't read a solid twelve pages out of the chapter, because it focused only on rape, and I just didn't want to. I wrote her a little note on the top of my quiz about it. I didn't expect leniency, I just wanted to her to understand why I've gone from 90s and 95s to a 55.
I stopped blogging this morning so I could go to work. As soon as I got home from work, I turned right around to meet up with my very favorite past professor, Miss Kitty. We had a delightful time, and sat and chatted and caught up for two hours. I love her so much. She's kind of the mother I wish my mom could have been to me. I would never tell her that, nor would I tell my mother. But it's true just the same.
Allen and I watched a comedy documentary last night called Mortified Nation. It's possibly the best representation I've seen on how alike and connected every single one of us are to each other. It was an absolute joy to watch, and I'd like to watch it again.
I received a response from TESSA today about volunteering for them. They've finished their orientations for the year, BUT she did read the essays I submitted (my question answers became essays. I had a lot to say), and she'd like for me to come in and do an interview, and become a bit more acquainted with the facility and what they do. She told me that the schedule for orientation comes out at the end of the month. I haven't responded yet, but I would like all of these things. I was quite pleased.
Stevie bought me the most gorgeous scarf. I've been wearing it constantly. Today is no exception. I'm about to run a few errands, and I'm wearing my favorite black leather jacket, my absolutely delicious scarf, my bird tee, and my skinnies with the holes in them. With heeled booties. I must say, I look wonderfully fucking foxy. Fuck yeah, Target! You know you want this.
....It should be noted I'm dressing up for nobody other than myself. This is absolutely fine for me, but uh...well, there we are.
As soon as I get home, it's best friend date night with Amber. We can't decide if we're watching My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding or Labyrinth. I have to remember to buy more booze. Fridays are my new favorite night. They're the best.
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