Sunday, October 5, 2014

The reigning champeen!

I did it. I duckfaced. I'm not proud of what I've become.

I miss the long hair already. I'll have it back in two weeks, but for now, I miss it. My hair feels so thin and boring and short, and I hate it. I hate it so much.

I went out and took some photos today with Derek. The light was awfully beautiful, but we were on the wrong side of the mountain for it.

I have a photo shoot scheduled for the 18th, and I have the wedding next month. I'm hoping something comes in between the dates. I couldn't really spare the time, but I'd find a way to make it work.

I've thought about switching my photography. Because why the fuck not? But then I realized I can market myself as a photographer and still get an actual degree, and learn photography tricks as I go along. I've already gotten so much better. When I was in Glenwood last weekend, sitting in my hotel room and drinking and enjoying a lovely evening in a hotel room that smelled like a colon, I went through my old photos from when I first started shooting again, all the way up to now. I've gotten SO much better. I am not as good as I'd like to be, but I believe I've far exceeded the hopes I had for this point in my hobby. I'm excited to see where I'll be two years from now.

I went through and added up how much it would cost if I got every single lens I want, and the new camera I want. For a paltry 16K, I could have the exact set up I want (minus things like reflectors and flashes and other not terribly necessary accessories). I'm seriously considering hooking, just to get the things I want.

I wish I had discovered I was good at a less expensive thing. Like drug addiction. Or identity theft.

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