Sunday, December 1, 2013

You're flirting with disaster when you kiss and tell, my love

When music evokes images of something incredibly specific, I kind of fall in love with it.

Allen went on a music spree while I was putting on my makeup yesterday, and he found this:

Holy shit, this song. The end falls apart for me, but it's like, twelve seconds of music lost. That's it. The rest of the song makes me think of reckless, intense sex. I can't get enough of it. I played it for The Swede this morning on the way back from breakfast (I have no idea how I've gone this long without having ever gone to Over Easy. It. Was. Amazing), but he didn't particularly care for it. Which is fine. He did listen to Why?, which delighted me, and we started off the morning with The Eels (yay!!) and tea. I took pictures of him all morning, and left his house after breakfast so he could work on a budget for work, and so I could get some ham and bean soup, because fuck yes. I do have to remember to save him some, because I said I would.

He told me he had missed me last night. I was quite pleased, but a bit taken aback by it. I didn't say anything. My head debated if he meant that he missed me, or missed having sex with me, so I felt it was safer to not say anything back. Regardless of my insecure and residually paranoid inner monologue, I rather missed him legitimately in the duration of not seeing him, and I was sad to leave this morning. I've been sad to leave/see him leave the last couple of times we've been together, especially if one of us is leaving in the super early am.

I have papers to write tonight. This is my second to last week of the semester, so I'm fairly certain I won't have any time to write in here or go off and take pictures for the next week or so. I'll try and steal time to jot a thought or two, since I know I'm wildly fucking riveting and my silly, pointless words will be so sorely missed.

Alright, business. I'm about to fucking shred this paper. In the best way, of course.

As an end note, the sky outside is a warm shade of blue, and it's highlighted with vibrant pink and orange clouds. I wish I were out taking photos. Dammit, GPA. It's time like these that I wish I didn't give a fuck about you.

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