Monday, December 16, 2013

It's only for forever; it's not long at all.

I've slept more in the last four days than I think I have since the semester started. None of the front desk staff is at work today. Monica, Sara, and myself are all out of commission. I chatted with Holly a little bit today, since she's covering for us. This is the first time none of us have been there.

I think, the second I feel well enough to not just sit up for a few minutes at a time, but can stand, as well, I'm going to suck it up and get my hairs cut. I'm thinking of cutting everything at shoulder length and going with a bob. That may be delirium talking, however.

I've been having strange fever dreams. Some of them have been scary, a few of them have been lovely, and one or two have been so sad I've woken up crying out loud. Those ones are the worst.

I awoke this morning to pictures of bunnies sticking out their tongues, and puns for English nerds. The puns made me laugh so hard I couldn't stop coughing. Oh, puns. Don't let anybody make you think you're the lowest form of wit EVER. You do delight me so.

I was watching Rifftrax today, and Chris stopped by to check up on me. Well, sort of. He needed something that I had, but we'll say he did it to be a good friend. I accidentally coined the term "glitterature". I told him that I either did something so horrible to The Swede that he doesn't care about the stuff of his that I have, or he's possibly literally dead. Either way, I'm sad and disappointed. Nursing the wound continues.

I talked to my dad today. He's going to see The Hobbit. I want to go see it, too, but again, this pesky inability of mine to actually function as an adult in any position other than prostrate is keeping me from it. Maybe later this week.

How can one person be this tired? I feel like the world is crushing my chest in.

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