Sunday, April 12, 2015

O WAIT! I took some, too!

So, I skipped an entry. I realized I didn't put my pictures up here, I put them up on Facebook. I'm getting closer and closer to scrapping this blog altogether. It's pretty fucking useless, honestly, and I don't think anybody important reads it, anyway. We'll see. This could very well be gone in a few months, when I'm finished with the semester and I have nothing better to do than ride my bike and delete my blogs.

 Here is the creepy doll that I assumed would be recognized earlier. But now, it CAN be recognized!! Or if this is read from the top down, then you will recognize it from later.
 Frubs, checking out his camera gear, as we got ready to leave our exhausting shoot.
 This is where we took the photos. There is SO MUCH MORE to this place. Ugh. I can't wait to go back.
Hooray! Flaker Bins for everyone! Storage all about the thing!!!

I can't wait to go back and actually spend time taking photos there.

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