Monday, April 20, 2015

My lips are warm to the touch, and my words seem so alive


So, Frubs and I went back to Brighton yesterday (at the expense of my homework, if I'm being honest. I had every intention of finishing it BEFORE tomorrow, so we could go to Brighton without a time crunch. But...uh...I did not. Friday night, J was over, so we all had dinner together, and Frubs and I watched Iron Chef America until I fell asleep on his lap (I had to be dragged into bed, despite me softly crying, "Noooo, falling asleep on the couch is my favorite way to spend time with youuuuuuu", and I believe this claim 100%, since I always fall asleep on the couch, and I get sad or pissy when Derek tries to wake me up to go to bed)...EARLY. I crashed hard. I'm fairly exhausted during semesters, and there are certain days that hit me harder than others, and I pass out at 8 like some sort of old lady. Who am I fucking kidding? I AM an old lady. Comparatively. I'm certainly not 20 anymore.

Anyway, here's what I got. Which isn't a lot, unfortunately. Flash batteries were dead, and that severely limited the expedition, and it also fucking SMELLED.

 This is the third space in the plant, if you walk through what I assume is the front door instead of the loading bay areas. Notice the dead hawk. I named him Waldo, because I am fucking weird. His mate was circling overhead the entire time Derek and I were there. There are about three other dead birds in this area. Also, fun story to nobody but me, when I was in here, a starling bounced down from the hole in the roof, yelled at me, and then flew away. How dare I .
 Barrels again! From a different perspective! There's still a dead hawk in the picture, but it would be worse if it weren't.
 I LOVED the black gunk on the wall, because it looked to me like the high voltage being warned about came up and wrecked shop. Plus, High Voltage is one of my favorite Electric Six songs. So obviously, this picture had to be taken.
 It was insanely windy when Derek and I went back to Brighton, and this was two floors up, in a space with four open windows that made the entire room akin to a wind tunnel. I didn't think I'd be able to get a picture of all these keen doohickeys that wasn't shaky as fuck, but I managed! The climb down the broken ladder was especially fun (she said, not actually meaning at all).
 This is the same room that the barrels are in. I'm not even sure how stagnant, shitty water manages this, but the reflection looks cleaner than the actual door. Which is the only reason I took the picture.
 I have seen this horror movie, and I die. Everybody dies. That door is intimidating and gross. Also scary, because the wind rattled it about and it slammed repeatedly, and if it wasn't slamming, it was moaning, and I was frightened the entire time. I'd be lying if I said otherwise.
 Frubs, taking photos of all of the dirty things. Please take note of the spectacularly pink respirator filters!!
 Well...his glasses are crooked, but that's not my fault. Those freckles, though. Those fucking freckles.
This photo is titled, "Friday night, a bag of Cheetos, and my crippling social anxiety". For obvious reasons.

We're going back again, but with the proper lighting, and an additional tripod. I don't know when, though. Derek leaves in a couple of months, which is going to limit our time together to once a month from July until May of next year, unless the things we think are going to happen happen, in which case, I'll be moving with him in a few months. But sh. We'll see. Hopefully, better Brighton photos in a week or two.

I still think I have hantavirus now more than ever.

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