Saturday, January 11, 2014

Yeah but that backflip, though.

It's been a long few days.

I went to school a couple of days ago and wasted a few hours, then I bought my books. 700 bucks for three bucks hurt my feelings a little bit, but I  have been deeply engrossed in my Astronomy book ever since. I am SO excited to take that class. It's a long one, two sessions a week, one of which is four hours, but that doesn't really bother me. Allen was telling me that a few of his friends have taken the class and they hated it. My response was very similar to, "How the fuck can you hate learning about space? It's god damn incredible!" followed up with, "Those people are obvious foggots, and their opinions can't be trusted." My accounting book, on the other hand, I'm not nearly as pumped about. Nine more days! nine more days of freedom.

Stevie and I went to Sprouts last night so she could start buying up all of her healthy foods. I bought myself a pound of quinoa, so I'll have to make my big batch of it when I get home tonight. Stevie is getting rid of all of her bad foods (which, holy jesus, is a LOT. I offered to help her last night, but she said she wasn't ready to give it all up yet. When I looked in her pantry, I was dazzled by all of the yummy looking junk food. That I don't eat, anyway), and it's making her upset. Her boyfriend bought her a bunch of candy for Christmas, since she loves candy do hard, and she had me try these things called Butterfinger Cups. I took a very, very tiny piece (I paid for that with a fun wheezing fit. Hooray!), tried it, and found it to be delicious. She looked at me expectantly and said...aren't you going to finish it? And I said no, I didn't want to. She said I have way more willpower than she does. This is why we're doing this together.

We watched some shitty movie, and I suggested that we pick out three junk foods she's going to be the saddest about throwing away, and we binge on them tomorrow night while watching the premiere of Girls. I think she's still mulling over that idea.

I went to a dive bar last night, and wrecked shop at pool. This being sober at a bar thing is pretty interesting. Saria was wildly drunk, she got up to do karaoke and kind of fucked up Rolling In The Deep, but 1. I'm tired of that song, anyway, and b. She still sounded good. There was some drunk twerking going on ON the bar, and I was texting Allen and Stevie the entire time. Allen was like, just get up to karaoke and blow those mother fuckers away. I contemplated it, but I get SO nervous singing in front of people, even if they're drunk. I shouldn't have been, because what followed was practically EVERY. SINGLE. Disney song ever created...sung by drunks. It kind of destroyed my childhood. A chunky white girl did Tupac, grinding her way through each slurred word on an unsuspecting microphone stand that honestly deserved better. The regular karaoke players weren't done, which both pleased and surprised me. No Creep, no Journey of any sort. The last time I did karaoke, I sang Etta James's I Just Want To Make Love To You, and to my credit, I did get a standing ovation, and almost every single person in the bar came up to compliment me. I should have sang last night. Oh, well.

I've sent in another donor form to attempt to donate my eggs. I know it's a tired and cliche thing, but I really want this to be a good year. I can't sit around waiting for good things to happen to me, so I figure I might as well go out and make them happen for other people. Along those lines, I've been researching short volunteer abroad opportunities. There are a few I'm interested in, and of course I have to write essays to submit with my application. This doesn't bother me, though. I'm trying to figure out the timing, because I wouldn't be able to go until I'm finished with m finals, and then I'd only have a four week window in which to accomplish something, if I even get chosen. I have a long list of charities I can volunteer with here in the Springs DURING the semester, this way I'm not ignoring the ol' homefront.

This is the best thing that ever happened to me today:

I can't even.

My mom and I have been emailing each other all day, because we're both bored and at work. I'm settling for doing people's taxes. Stupendous!

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