Sunday, January 19, 2014

They'll dance inside themselves without you...Now with an edit!

Every once and awhile, I go a little bit crazy with the link posting. But to repeat an earlier entry (where I went a little crazy with the link posting), it's all about sharing that joy.

Today, I'm going to share quite a few things. Ready? Onward! Tallyho! Allonsy! Other exclamations that mean let's fucking go!

If you pay attention, you know that Carl Sagan is one of my absolute heroes. I am very interested in science and space, but I'm not smart enough to always get what my boy NDGT is throwing down, knowledge-wise. The brilliance of Carl Sagan is that he was...well...brilliant, but he knew how to really share that intelligence in a digestible way for people like me. He made everything interesting and relatable, and he spoke about all things with reverence and humility.

How perilous our infancy

I had never heard or read this before, but it's tremendous. He was such a gifted man, and I am so pleased that the world is still taken with him after all this time. I'm listening to the rest of the Sagan Series now, and I am so deliciously in love with it.

Another favorite of mine is Richard Feynman. I heard a quote of his from the amazing, fantastic Symphony of Science series, and at that time, I had no idea who he was. As luck would have it, I was bin rummaging at Barnes and Noble (I miss you still, Borders!) the very next day, and I spotted his book, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, marked down to five dollars. So I grabbed it, and I am so glad I did. I've read the book twice, and I've read all about Richard Feynman. I've listened to his interviews, and he was filled with such an unmatched happily inquisitive spark. It radiates in his words, in his voice, in his presence. I'm smitten with him. you should be, too.

Mother Nature is never going to let us relax

Beauty spans everything. It's not just the aesthetic that we see. It's deeper than that. Your endless fascination with how things work, and how they're put together and the singularity of their parts when they're deconstructed...that's beauty. That's love. That's art. And it's definitely something to live for. Fuck the classic poets and their shortsightedness. They're not wrong, but they're not right, either.

Holy shit, our home is so god damn incredible.

There isn't enough time. Not enough time to see even a fraction of the everything I want to experience. Well, I mean, obviously a fraction, because logically it can. But that fraction is so minuscule as to not even count.

This is my new favorite place to hang out. 

Thanks, Stumble! I still love you, you beautiful, sometimes fucking horrifying mishmash of the internet.

I could spend all of my minutes watching these, but the result would be a pinterest-fail level attempt of trying everything, know..burning my house down.

Science is fucking cool. So. Fucking. COOL.

I'm debating on becoming a member.

I've never really paid for a membership to anything before. Not to my knowledge, anyway. We'll see. I want to make sure if I purchase a subscription, I'd be able to take full advantage of it.

I think this is enough for now. It's enough knowledge and good stuff to fill you up for at least a few hours.

Because this is so fucking adorable.

The bunnies, oh my god I literally can't right now. There are two of them on there that I can say with 100% positivity aren't fails, but that's ok. Also, number 44 is pretty much my favorite animal gif of all time. I giggle pretty fucking hard every time I see it. You're welcome.

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