Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jack is short for Jackopher: Dallas, day zero

Technically, I am starting this the day before we leave. It is Tuesday, September 10th, and we have a lot of cleaning and tidying to do before we leave tomorrow. The plan, as always, is to blog at night/in the mornings, but this is a pretty short trip, and not terribly busy, so it isn't impossible that I just...won't do any of that and will inttead just count down the minutes until we're out of Texas. I'm excited for the trip, of course, but not thrilled that the destination has to be in Texas. 

So Tuesday, September 10th, our plans stand as follows:

Wednesday, September 11th:
Leave by 8:30am
Drive the eight hours to Dallas
Get to the apartment where I will cook my kelp noodles as everyone unpacks
Go to dinner at Jinya
Relax the rest of the evening/insert some last minute plan here

Thursday, September 12th:
"MY OLDEST TURNS TWENTY ONE!!!!!", I will shout to the heavens,  "I'm still just a baby! How is this possible", and as my fiss shake in mighty defiance to absolutely noone because god doesn't exist, everyone in the house will wake up for breakfast at who knows where. 
Some kind of liht lunch, and possibly a trip to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, if the weather is nice and we have time before...
Rhyann's birthday dinner at Uchiba. 
Relaxing the rest of the night? There was this really cute little ramen bar I found, super instagrammable, that serves little drinky drinks and I may suggest to Rhyann that they go there to get a drink, but I also know Rhyann tends to get sick when they have alcohol, so I'm not sure how to maneuver that. I know the fun of turning 21 is being able to legally drink, but I'm still emetephobic, and also why cosign to make yourself ill for maybe the rest of the trip?? I'll have to talk to them about that. 

Friday, Sepember 13th
If Dallas Arboretum and botanical garden didn't happen Wednesday, we will try to go this morning while the weather is nice (I checked the forecast and it looked like it was gonna be hot), but we'll be on a tight schedule because...
I was so sad to not take Rhyann to MeowWolf in Denver, I think they would have loved it. But I think this is a great 21st birthday present. 
I am assuming MeowWolf will be the rest of the day, as Derek and I spent a total of 9 hours at Convergence Station and we still both feel like it wasn't enough time. 

Saturday, September 14th:
We leave Dallas, perhaps after a breakfast at Blue Mesa for some delicious adobe pies. 

I currently have no idea how sturdy these plans are? Dallas World Aquarium and MeowWolf are for sure, barring anything wild. 

I am super excited to take my kiddos to Dallas to celebrate the oldest turning 21! 

The second oldest turns 21 in a few weeks, but I'll be back a work that week, and Derek and I hav not figured out what it is we want to do for them for their birthay. Itt's a big birthday! We initially invited them along on his trip, but I  believe Derek told me she had a con this week and wouldn't be able o go. Either that or it was work, I'm unsure. 

anyway. Day one is tomorrow. Fingers crossed this trip is breezy and fun and not wild and horrendous!

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