Friday, June 24, 2022

Nobody expects....Misssterrrrrrr CHEESE!!!! Cleveland, Ithaca, and Chicago: Day Nine

 And just like that, I have no more photos that I took on my real person camera. Not that it matters, because none of them were any good, anyway. I'm so upset with myself. 

So this day was an easy day. We went thrifting around town, I think we hit up about six stores. My dad wasn't the happiest about it, he was bored out of his mind. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, though!

Here is the kitty that lived in the house next to our AirBnB. 

I don't think it likes me. 

This was Rhyann's first find at the first thrift place we stopped at!! It's so pretty and delicate!

I bought a super gaudy lamp to use in the studio, I just need to find the right lamp shade for it. 

At the second we went, I saw this pair of mugs being sold and I couldn't help but laugh. Like...who goes into a thrift store and buys up mugs with strange families on them? Sociopaths. 

At the third place we stopped at, which was more of a thrifty consignment store, I spotted this vanity and I'm telling you, if I could have hauled this all the way home, I would have. I love it so much. 

Our next stop was a reclaim store that had old windows and doors and random bric-a-brac from who knows what time period. And I saw this clock: 

Nice try, ghosts. 

This place had three floors, and while it was REALLY overpriced, Derek and I got a lot of ideas about finishing pieces he has in his woodshop right now. Like these table legs? Just get me a lathe already! We could have, for the price of these 4 legs. Yikes. 

We had another thrift shop to hit up on the commons, but I also needed to find a weed pen. On the way there, I saw this sign:

Learn astrology. I guess this is just...a directive? There are no number slips underneath it, or any other advertisements for who is teaching astrology. So just...go out there and learn astrology. This post said so. 

Found this awesome little critter at People's Pottery. Sadly, they were closed and it was only window dressing, so I couldn't ask how much it was. I would have snatched it right up. What is it? A penguin in a kicky beret? An anteater? A snork? Who knows!

This is the bottom of one of my buys: two butter dishes and a serving platter. These were a big deal in the 80s, and now they're just a big deal in my house. With the rest of my slowly growing pyrex collection. 

When I found the place I was going to buy a weed pen from, I went in and just absolutely dated myself. I was talking to the guy behind the counter and he was talking about this and that strain, and strength and flavors and methods of intake and I must have looked overwhelmed because he looked at me and said, "any questions?" and I paused and said, "...I mean, I remember when this was just...weed". And he laughed, but fuck did I feel out of touch in that moment. 

And that was about it for this day. We went to Wegmans, got some dinner stuff, and went home. That was it. Tomorrow is the second to last day in New York, but the last full day. 

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