Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Radish Cure

Regarding photography:

I was browsing instagram, like ya do, when I saw that NatGeo was holding a very short contest to celebrate hitting 100 million followers on the platform. Submit your most NatGeo photo, tag it with the right hashtag, vote on the top ten images in their story on Friday, and then some lucky photographer gets to go to Tanzania, all expenses paid.

Naturally, I jumped at the chance, and then immediately regretted it and doubted myself because of fucking COURSE I did.

I've submitted a shitload of photos to NatGeo photo essay contests before. While it seems a bit silly to say I've never won, or even gotten and honorable mention, and that means my photos aren't worthy of their contest, I admit that's how I feel about myself. I started using my own hashtag, #pickmenatgeo , on instagram. I just checked, and it's still my hashtag alone...almost. One other person has the hashtag in one of their photos, and I'm not really sure why, but it doesn't matter much. I've always wanted to be a NatGeo photographer. NatGeo's instagram page liking a photo of mine would probably give me a heart attack, and that's just a social platform embodiment of a concept. I'm not really sure what it would mean to me, or do to me, to get even a small mention, or a huge win, for a photo contest they held.

I picked a photo that I took that I think best embodies Nat Geo quality, entered it into the contest (read: I used the correct hashtag under my photo), and then looked through all of the already submitted images and realized I don't have a fucking snowball's chance in the senate. There are literally thousands and thousands of amazing images, and I got disheartened and had to shut instagram down after only getting eight likes. I read the contest rules, and the top photos are chosen out of the pool of photos that have the biggest likes. That won't be mine. It's a stupid fucking photo of albatross checking out a double rainbow. Check it:

Don't get it twisted, I fucking love this photo. I really earned it, too. I had to go running through a torrential downpour and cleverly maneuver my camera bag so I could wipe the gallons of water off of my lens so it would be clear enough to take this shot of a bunch of paired off albatross enjoying the early evening glow of the setting sun, and a glorious double rainbow. I was fucking soaked, cold, being clacked at by a VERY fucking large male albatross who did not like the cut of my jib (me either, mother fucker, joke's on you), I had no idea where I was in relation to where I was supposed to be, I didn't know where Derek had run off to, and I didn't know where I was supposed to be going to find him. It was a stressful few minutes that culminated in one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken. But is it NatGeo material? I mean....probably not.

If you're on instagram, check out their #natgeo100contest hashtag submissions. So many of those images are just insanely, ridiculously gorgeous. I hate feeling like I don't deserve to think my photos are worthy of gracing the same space as these photographers, but at the same time, there are thousands and thousands of amazing photographers out there with more experience, more patience, and more creativity than I have, so it's a warranted feeling.

Moving on to my own photos.

I was contacted by a model a little bit ago, and she wanted to do a shoot with me. I've had some ideas floating around my head for some shoots (one exceptionally huge one that I want to talk about so badly but cannot until every last aspect of it is completed. The suspense is KILLING ME!), so I was like, fuck yeah, let's do a collab! Turns out, she was WAY fucking game to spend three entire days with me, shooting whatever I suggested, culminating in one of my favorite shoots EVER. Here we go:

I have a confession to make: I've just bought a mermaid tail. A good one (from FinFolk Productions. Am I angling to buy more? YES). I've been wanting to do a mermaid shoot here since the first time I saw the site, and I am SO FUCKING EXCITED at the idea of doing the mermaid shoot I want to do (I even have three ladies that will happily model the tail and do the shoot for me, it's just a matter of schedule logistics now) with it. But before I took the plunge and spent the skrill on the tail, I had to try and conceptualize the idea with a human, and Kate did a fucking FANTASTIC job. Those are both real backgrounds, nothing is faked, this is what this place looks like (someone asked if it was a backdrop, and I was thrilled), and with a little bit of help from her dad holding up the bounce board because Derek was unavailable due to CQ duty, everything worked out, and the resulting photos are straight out of the mermaid fantasy shoot I've been building in my head.

We've had a large cache of prop lingerie for awhile, but most people get excited at the idea of buying their own saucy undergarments and being photographed in something they chose. And I get that one thousand percent. Kate traveled here, though, and din't bring much of her own stuff. The stuff she DID bring was adorbs for real, but because I shot with her more than once, we ran through it all. So fucking VICTORY for my boudoir closet!!! That fringed number is one I've been desperate to photograph on someone. It's so fucking playful and sexy and I really love it. We hiked all the way out to Kaena Point dragging a HUGE wagon of lighting equipment and props and clothes and shoes with us, and I think it was worth it. The shoes are my favorite Gianni Bini's, and I was stoked they fit Kate, too. I designed the entire shoot, from the make up (I'm really getting pretty alright at that!), the hair, the clothes, the shoes, the site, the lighting, the time, all of it. Everything except the poses, which Kate CRUSHED. I have a few of her  up on the ladder, she really was a sport, but this was my favorite one of the set.

This fucking photo.

No bullshit, I think this is the best photo of a person I've ever taken.

For those of you playing the home game, the faux fur is mine. I wore it during my boudoir shoot, and I think is is so fabulously luxe and gorgeous and I've really been angling to shoot it on EVERYBODY. I bought it with the explicit intention of recycling the look as often as I could, and I just haven't been able to do it often enough. The shoes? Oh yeah, those were my shoes from the same boudoir shoot, as well. I call this look my "trash monster" look, which is how I refer to myself a lot of the time. Unfortunately, I'm not a model, so I can't go waltzing about the world, wearing this get up like I own the place, so I have to settle for dressing other people in it and making the shots look cool. And I truly think this one accomplishes that quite well.

I have a lot of other shots of Kate. Three days of shooting was very productive, and I'm STILL editing things while trying to get my website together and balancing that with school and relationships and trying to not stress myself to death. It isn't an easy balance.

That's about all I have to say on photography right now. I have to go press tofu for dinner. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

"Sigh No More, Ladies, Sigh No More" is Shakespeare's way of saying "men aint shit", and I'm here for it.

Another long blog, because I want to address two different things:
1) a personal issue I've had for a long time now;
b) photography and posterity. 

I'll save the photography for the end to lighten the mood. 

Issue one: Ondrea Tucci and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad, body image

Derek leaves for three months in eight days.

While I'm going to miss him very much, three months away isn't all that much, and I'll have school going on, so the time will not go dully by. Derek mentioned that he'd write me letters while he's gone (which I am fucking THRILLED about. Dan was deployed for...uh...nine months, I think...and I wrote him quite a bit and it always gutted me that he couldn't be bothered to write me a single letter back. Despite my references to written letters being something I wanted), and I'm pretty good at dealing with (read: compartmentalizing) separation, so I'm not worried or sad about the coming weeks. 

What I AM concerned about is my god damn awful body. 

I still have about twenty five to thirty pounds left to go before I'm at a number my brain is happy with, but I don't know how the image of myself will play at that number. I will be at a lower weight than I was when Derek and I met, and I will be at a lower weight than I was before I got knocked up with my son (though I never want to be the weight I was before my daughter ever again. I hit that weight when I was homeless and struggling in Vegas, and I looked like a fuckin' mummified corpse. Yuck). I remember hating my body even at that weight, but I didn't hate it so much that I wouldn't take hawt newdz. 

Something most people know about me but is a truly forgettable fact (and I like it that way) is that I used to work in the sex industry. I was a stripper, I was a cam girl, and I was on the appointment setting side of an escort service (or a phone pimp, as I loved referring to myself as, even though that's exceptionally far from the truth) with a boss that was very not subtle about moving me to the other side of the service (i.e. ho'ing it up in a major way for major money). There is even an amateur porn of me floating around somewhere, and my deepest horror is that it's presented to me one day, because I remember doing it, and ew. I don't regret it, but I am not happy about the memory. I made a great deal of money doing the former two jobs, and even more money with the latter, though that had absolutely zero to do with my skill. The truth is, while yes, talented cam girls and talented strippers tend to make more money, the market in the early aughts wasn't terribly saturated, so if you were doing those jobs, you were raking in cash whether you were talented or not. 

Being completely honest, I land in the "not" camp. I have lied through my god damn teeth about being good at both jobs, but the truth is that I am awkward, uncoordinated, and uncomfortable in my body because I god damn hate it. 

I've written before about how I have a love/hate relationship with being invisible to men anymore (sorry to not include ladies! But I have ALWAYS been oblivious if ladies were interested, because I was never hoping for their sexual attention. I don't mean to be disregarding!), and for the most part, I quite enjoy not being subjected to the catcalling and unsolicited dick pics and everything else I used to get when I was younger and thinner and hotter (and running in single circles where that kind of thing wasn't necessarily surprising, but who's counting?), but a part of me is depressed that I don't have an outlet for validation outside of my inner circle that's eager to let me know how hot I am. I have always taken a very "you tell me I'm sexy and you  have sex with me because you HAVE to" approach to the compliments I get from my partners, because that's honestly what I think. The validation that comes from a one night stand is equally as tricky, because while it could be looked at as being so hot that someone just HAS to fuck you ASAP, it could also be that people are just desperate to get laid. Which....no surprise...is the option I choose. 

What the fuck does this have to do with my husband leaving, you are probably not asking. Well, I will tell you.

Before my boudoir shoot, I was obsessed with looking at lingerie so I could find the perfect pieces that would make me look sexy and slender and the absolute hottest I could look. I have always thought lingerie was absolutely impractical, and as I am a pretty fervent practitioner of no muss no fuss sex, the putting on and then removal of lingerie, plus the delicate care it takes to keep it clean, is just too much god damn effort. 

As previously discussed in an earlier blog, it's been a solid two years of mirror avoidance for me. I have been hating my figure for a very long time now, and I can look at myself without hoping I'm struck by a solitary meteorite that would put me out of my misery forever. I've gained enough confidence that I've been wondering about what kind of photos I can take for my husband while he's gone. Photos of the hawt newdz variety. 


If I'm being frank, the vast majority of me doesn't want to do this at all. Only partially because I still absolutely loathe my body, and I struggle to see how anybody would want to put their penis anywhere around me. Most of me doesn't want to do this because...like...who takes a three month vacation away from their spouse and uses that time to fantasize...about their spouse?? This is totally the time where all of the porn that you don't want to look at when you're home because you don't want your fat spouse to find it and fly downward into a horribly hideous self hate spiral can be looked at without fear of being "caught". I don't have a problem with porn, while we're on the subject...I have a problem with my self image, and the horribly unrealistic standards of sexuality and beauty that pornography projects. But masturbation fodder is a thousand percent understandable. Probably seems like a conflicting ideology, but here we are. Because Derek has low T, and our sex life has taken an absolute fucking nose dive for the last few years, the presence of porn has an additional level to it for me: if there's sex drive and a boner, and the immediate thought is "I'm going to chill with some porn and my bare dick" rather than "dear sweet lord, I need to fuck my wife because she's awesome at the sex stuff", I take it personally. I feel less than, because sex drive is already so rare for my husband (according to him, anyway) that not utilizing it to bone me seems deeply intentional. I'm getting off track. The next three months for Derek is seriously the perfect time to indulge in porn because what fat wife is there to stop him? Not this one, that's for sure! So why would I ruin that by sending pictures of my tuber-like naked body when there are curvier, thinner, hotter, younger women with breasts that do not, in any way, resemble fried eggs nailed to a wall? I shouldn't. 

I've thought about it, though, and then I get into a couple of hours where I look  up lingerie because forcing yourself to dress in a way that is supposed to be sexy is natural and not at all weird. 

And I'll look at lingerie and think about how cute it is and think about how cute I could look in it and then I delete everything from my cart and remind myself of what I actually look like, and why would anybody want to see that kind of thing when they're on a three month trip away from the tangible reality of it? 

I miss hating myself in such a way where I still allowed for the idea that people wanted to see my naked body in all of its honesty. I hate myself in a way now where I am thoroughly convinced of how NOT sexy I am, and just being kind of resigned to the fact that I'm always going to be a woman that men settle for because their preferred reality is unattainable (which should tell them something about society, but that's for another day). High Fidelity did a pretty good job of explaining that even the hottest of fantasy partners eventually becomes reality to the person they're with, and the sex gets old and the hotness gets stale and the unsexy underwear is discovered and there are nights without fucking and no matter how fucking gorgeous and sexy someone is, there will always always ALWAYS be a "grass is greener" moment or moments in those relationships. 

Understanding that doesn't help put me in a head space where I think it's logical to either send my husband off with, or plan on sending him, personal nudes. 

Issue two: I'll regret this when I have Alzheimer's. 

It occurred to me yesterday that I will eventually forget days like yesterday, where Derek and I drove around the entirety of the island looking for photos to take on a rainy day that was grey and dull and not the greatest, photo-wise. 

So I told myself I would take more photos for posterity and upload them in here so I could reflect back when I'm older and either remember the photos and have a nice little flashback, or still completely forget the day, but have photos of it to shove my horrible memory in my face. 

So, here are the photos I took yesterday during our three hour drive around the island:

The Makapu'u lookout. I have a shitload of water droplets on my lens, and they're refracting light and being distracting, but the view is still pretty. I had never stopped at this lookout before. Makapu'u Lighthouse is next.

The initial plan had been to find surfers that were defying good sense and surfing during the crazy swells we've got going on right now. Instead, these guys just stood at the edge of Makapu'u being reasonable.

Driving on the H3, and the pali were just fucking lousy with mist. I knew I wasn't going to get a "good" photo of this driving 60 mph down the highway, but I wanted to at least try and get SOMETHING. This is my favorite way to see these ridges. I'm not sure they're ever more gorgeous and dramatic. They're beautiful in sunlight on a clear day, as well, but there's definitely something to the mist-laden aesthetic. 

So there we go. I'm going to do my best to get better about throwing in just regular photos that are regular to detail my life here a bit better. 

Which reminds me, I DEFINITELY have some photographer photos that I want to put in here, as well, but that's for another day. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Would you be interested in some sexual positions and emotional investment?

While most kids my age were listening to songs on popular radio stations when I was in elementary school and well into middle school, I was listening to oldies. I kind of wish I could say that it's because I have an old soul or some shit, or I could cry pretension and say that music just isn't good anymore and I knew it from an early age, but I'd be lying. I listened to the oldies station because my mom made me. She didn't want me listening to Salt-N-Pepa, because lest her young white child grow up with a little flava, so I listened to Magic 102.7 (WRMF, as I remember) and stayed tragically unhip because I had no idea who the fuck Color Me Badd was, but I could sing you every single fuckin' Sam Cooke song ever released into the mainstream.

I broke into Top 40s style music in the late late 90s, just in time for the boy band craze and pop princesses, and with enough time for me to want to be a dancer (there are HOURS of dance footage of me floating around the world, but if there's justice in the universe, it's all been taped over), but i've always had a soft spot for music from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. I skip most of the 70s and hop right into the 80s and 90s, and I've kind of stopped looking for new shit around the early aughts. Allen is usually the person who clues me in to new shit, and Suits has given me some fresh new songs to listen to (Aaron Korsch is fucking KILLING IT with the soundtrack. Score? What would you call it in a TV Show?), but I pretty much stick with my three hour playlist full of artists I already love, because I'm boring as all fucking hell.

I've been sitting at my desk editing photos all day, and listening to music on youtube, and it started playing an oldies list, which was fine by me. I still enjoy listening to music from that general vicinity of decades, I still know all of the songs, I still sing along, but it's fairly mindless 99.9% of the time.

Youtube cycled out Runaround Sue by Dion. It's a fucking bop, I won't lie, it's hella catchy. I was singing it and catching the lyrics, and I was like, huh, well, Dion is really fucking gossiping hard about his business with Sue, but it's unsurprising, exes are bitter.

There's the song, for the uninitiated.

I didn't really think anything of it, but the next song that came up was The Wanderer. Also by Dion.

Well. Would you look at the fucking brass balls on this jagweed.

Here's are the lyrics to Runaround Sue:

Here's my story, it's sad but true
It's about a girl that I once knew
She took my love then ran around
With every single guy in town

Yeah I should have known it from the very start
This girl will leave me with a broken heart
Now listen people what I'm telling you
A keep away from a Runaround Sue

I might miss her lips and the smile on her face
The touch of her hair and this girl's warm embrace
So if you don't want to cry like I do
A keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Ah, she likes to travel around
She'll love you and she'll put you down
Now people let me put you wise
Sue goes out with other guys

Here's the moral and the story from the guy who knows
I fell in love and my love still grows
Ask any fool that she ever knew, they'll say
Keep away from-a Runaround Sue

Yeah keep away from this girl
I don't know what she'll do
Keep away from Sue

She likes to travel around
She'll love you and she'll put you down
Now people let me put you wise
She goes out with other guys

Here's the moral and the story from the guy who knows
I fell in love and my love still grows
Ask any fool that she ever knew, they'll say
Keep away from a Runaround Sue

Stay away from that girl
Don't you know what she'll do now

So, it appears that Mr. DiMucci got his heart roughed up by a young lady that is interested in going to sock hops with other beaus, and sharing milkshakes at the local burger joint. That would be a very sad story indeed, if this weren't ALSO a heartfelt croon (which is also a fucking catchy ass jam) from the very same Dion DiMucci. I give you The Wanderer:

Oh well, I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where pretty girls are, well you know that I'm around
I kiss 'em and I love 'em cause to me they're all the same
I hug 'em and I squeeze 'em they don't even know my name
They call me the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around

Oh well, there's Flo on my left and then there's Mary on my right
And Janie is the girl well that I’ll be with tonight
And when she asks me, which one I love the best?
I tear open my shirt and I show "Rosie" on my chest
Cause I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around

Oh well, I roam from town to town
I go through life without a care
And I'm as happy as a clown
I with my two fists of iron but I'm going nowhere

Oh yeah, I’m the type of guy that likes to roam around
I’m never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
Yeah, I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world
Yeah I'm the wanderer
Yeah, the wanderer
I roam around, around, around

Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some girl
I hop right into that car of mine and drive around the world
Yeah, cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around, around, around

Cause I'm a wanderer
Yeah, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around, around, around, around
Cause I'm a wanderer
I'm, a wanderer
I roam around, around, around, around

Oh dear. Well isn't this awkward? It would seem that Mr. DiMucci is guilty of a misogynist double standard. Are any of us surprised? No. Is this a revelation? No. 

Really, the only reason I'm writing about it in here is because I laughed my tiddies off at YouTube playing them one right after the other. 

This is a pretty common attitude still. I have had a few male friends who love whoring their dicks around town, and more power to them, it bothers me not at all. What DID bother me was those same male friends making value judgments on the frequency of my slutty escapades like we were somehow different. I am exhausted by men saying they want to whore it up before wifing down, but their future wives can't have fucked too many dudes, if any at all, because who wants that kind of vagina party? Girls must be chaste, while men are free to stick their dicks into everything because LOLMEN, ammiright? Boys will be boys. 

TL;DR? I am listening to the Oblivion OST because I don't wanna hear the Dion Double Standards parade anymore. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

We want to know how the night moves

I've been thinking a lot about the double standards of sex lately.

Last night, while Derek and I were taking a shower, I stared off into space thinking about the reasons people have affairs. When Derek asked me what I was thinking about, I posed the question to him and he said that it's what people need to get in order. Look, you guys, my husband thinks he's a fucking cut up, and I think it's time for a divorce.

He continued by saying that affairs are not as messy as a divorce, so they seem like an easier avenue. I countered with affairs being FAR messier, and the debate went nowhere. Besides, that wasn't even what I meant, but this is only tangentially related. Affairs DO play into the double standard of consent, but whether or not I'll get there remains to be seen.

The first time I kissed a boy for reals, with all of the sexual trappings of adolescence and figuring out how much fun kissing was, was in a tree with Jimmy Reyes. I was about 13, I think Jimmy was VAGUELY older than me, it was summer time, Jimmy liked me with his penis, I did not like Jimmy with my vagina, but he was a good friend of mine, so when he asked if he could kiss me, I figured I had nothing to lose. Kissing a boy I wasn't invested in with my blossoming (read: awkward and really fucking oblivious) sexuality seemed like a very safe and logical foray into sex. If I was terrible at it, well, Jimmy had no fucking basis for comparison, now did he? If he was terrible at it, I could make fun of him. See? Safe.

The big take away here is he ASKED. Jimmy asked if he could kiss me, I said yes, we kissed, it was one hundred percent legit. I don't even remember if the kiss was any good (though I think it was, because I VAGUELY remember trying to come up with reasons that Jimmy and I should, you know, keep kissing...in trees, or other exotic locations. Like ditches), but I do remember him asking, and I remember not thinking that was weird or anything. I didn't think it was nice, either. I had no idea WHAT to think about it, because I had never been kissed before in a serious way. I think the first time I kissed a boy, I was in kindergarten, his name was Brad, and we used to call each other on the phone and scream. Literally scream into the phone, because children are fucking bizarre and intensely crazy. That could just be me and Brad, but uh....I'd rather make sweeping generalizations than label myself alone as bizarre and intensely crazy. Having no baseline for how kissing was to be approached, Jimmy asking me to smooch was neither nice nor odd, it just was what happened.

When Richard, the tree I was "dating", wanted to kiss me, he didn't ask, he just went for it. With disastrous consequences. I was scared to kiss Richard, and the bias of memory wants to say him asking for permission to kiss me would have made me feel safer, though I can't be sure. I tell my son a lot about the power of ICK (thank you, Dame Emma Thompson!!!), and I wonder sometimes if I wasn't feeling fear, I was feeling ICK over Richard and I kissing. I can't ever know for sure. I can say that Richard and I did eventually kiss, a few times (Please feel free to revisit my retrospective on kissing Richard, because there is not enough time for me to talk here again about the levels of weird and gross kissing him was), and it wasn't like I wanted to say NO, I just didn't really want to say YES, but I didn't want to be labeled a prude (that, my friends, is the ENTIRE FUCKING BASIS of my career as a promiscuous tartlet. I have come to enjoy being a wanton slag, but if my fear of men not wanting me if I didn't immediately open my legs hadn't been so real, who knows what kind of lady I'd be today?), so I kissed Richard because it was there as an activity.

I don't remember who I kissed next, but I know it was a lot of people. A lot of men kissed me without asking, and you guys....I thought nothing of it. The one time I had been asked permission for someone to touch my body sexually drifted from my memory, and I was lucky enough to be in positions where every single time someone kissed me, I wanted them to. It took....uh....three years for someone to ask me if they could kiss me, and I really fucking tanked it.

I met Gary at a bus stop, like ya do. I remember EXACTLY what I was wearing, because....ugh. Because I was wearing corduroys in earnest with a long sleeved, skin tight rugby shirt in various shades of pink, with fucking gold, sparkly Vans. To say I was a fashion icon would be selling me short, obviously. Gary was wearing a grey t-shirt with jorts (JORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTS. Fucking JORTS OH MY GOD JORTS), and the kind of sunglasses that are mostly worn by fans of Entourage and date rape. He took off his sunglasses to talk to me, he was polite and engaging and really cute, so I gave him my number, he called me later, and the next day, we had a little date. He took the bus to my house (I assume), brought me a little bouquet of flowering weeds, and we went out to Sushi 21 behind my apartment, then took a walk around the area I lived. We walked to this big, open rock space about a mile down the street from my house (I called it my lucky spot, both because I ALWAYS scored with dudes if I took them there, and also because I fucking suck and am gross and am so part of the problem, and ew, lucky spot? I fucking weep for myself at that age), and while we were walking back, Gary stopped me and said, "Do you think it would be alright if I kissed you?"

Here's where I dropped the ball.

Instead of appreciating that Gary saw me as a person with her own feelings and desires that should be respected enough to be asked for permission to engage her body in a sexual manner, I labeled Gary as a coward. I legitimately did that. I vocalized it, too. One of my best friends and I were writing a handbook of sorts about the men we dated. We called it The Guyde, because we think we're the cleverest (to be quite frank, the title still makes me laugh), and we boiled men down to about ten types, five for each of us. This is not an unpopular way to figure people out: OKCupid did the same thing, but with FAR funnier results. I wrote about Gary in The Guyde, and I think I called him The Travelling Salesman. It took me a little bit of time to remember where we had stashed The Guyde so I could quote myself in here, but I tracked it down. I'm glad I did, because it turns out, I didn't recall the details as accurately as I thought I had. Here is what I wrote about Gary asking permission to kiss me:

"Still playing the gentleman I percieved him to be, Gary asked me how I'd react if he kissed me right then and there. I was trying to play suave, so I said I would decline since I didn't have any gum to freshen my breath. In retrospect, it made me sound hygeine defficient, not deathly cool and collected. In one deft movement, he handed me a piece of Winterfresh. A move I hadn't been expecting. He let me chew it for a few minutes, and as I rambled on about losing my favorite earring, he kissed me."

Couple of things:

I have somehow remembered telling Gary off for asking me if it was ok to kiss him, and I don't know why. The ONLY thing I can think of is that somewhere in my head, I thought tearing him down for being a gentleman made me look good, and him look foolish. The woman I am now hates the woman I was then for that idea. This plays really well into how I personally see the rift in where we're at as a society with enthusiastic consent. More on that later.

Second thing, I re-read The Guyde, and I could barely fucking contain my laughter. Some of it is earnestly funny, but the rest of it is so fucking awful that the only thing I can do is laugh. My horrible attempts at comedy make me cringe, and also make me terrified for how I'll feel about this blog in seventeen years (that's how old The Guyde is, and I haven't read it since 2005, with my last entry being The Hopeless(ly lame) Romantic, about a young man named Ronan that I REALLY fucking dealt a raw set to, and I still carry a small amount of guilt for how I treated him). Some of the snippets still strike me as funny, because I remember how real they were when they happened. For instance, if we follow the story about Gary, we get this gem:

" This is where the traveling salesman starts to slip up. Their kisses morph depending on the woman, and I must have been a terrible woman."

This still makes me laugh. I assume it's because it's a personal anecdote, and also because I think I'm fucking hysterical, but I'd also like to think it's because it's a genuinely funny remark. Time will tell, I suppose. Time = my husband.

Gary DID ask to kiss me, I tried to be cool and failed, and then he didn't ask again, he just....did the damn thing. I didn't tell him no. I had wanted him to kiss me, and that's what I've been skirting the whole time.

There's an intensely electric buzz in the air before you know someone that you want to fuck is going to kiss you for the first time. Body language changes, the air is thick, every god damn second melts into forever, and the tension is palpable. I LOVE those moments. They're terrifying and exciting and sexual and intense and delicious. Utterly, utterly delicious. Those moments are compounded when I don't just want to fuck someone, but I want to be real with someone and keep them around. I can't describe those moments at all, even with my best and most flowery of metaphor ridden prose. Those are the absolute best moments of my life; the most alive I've ever felt. The most in touch with my humanity and how deeply troubling it is to want to be vulnerable and sexual and intimate with another human being who may not feel the same way as you do, even though they're going to kiss you for the first time any fucking minute and you have to hold on to the ground through your feet as hard as you fucking can, but also what if it's terrible, where does the spark go and what do you do with your disappointment then? While I have had no shortage of excitement over a kiss that was about to happen, only four have been of that highest echelon: Allen, David, Dan, and Derek. In that order (consecutive order, not order of importance. I should clarify).

Did any of them ask me for permission to kiss me? Not a one. Much like Gary, they all leaned in and just did the damn thing, and that was one thousand percent ok with me. I wanted them to. To me, and perhaps to them (I don't know, I can't speak for them), the permission didn't need to be granted verbally. Body language, facial cues, this shit all signaled that I was way into the impending physicality, so why bother asking for permission when it's far more accepted that just going for it is how first kisses are done? There's no sweep in stopping the moment to fumble your words and ask someone to kiss them. Where's the sexual buzz in that? Where's the drama? Where's the fun? Where's the allowability for your mouths to stop just shy of themselves to smile for a split second before kissing? It's motherfucking nowhere.

Except it is.

It is unfair to Justin that he received an insanely long text about how little he respected my body, how little care he showed for my personal space, how little he picked up on any of the thousands of cues I was rocketing down on him that I didn't want to be physical while Allen, David, Dan, and Derek get to live in a little corner of my brain labeled "WORLD'S BEST FIRST KISSES", because the only fucking difference between my interaction with Justin and my interactions with those four men is that I WANTED them to kiss me. Yes, that is a huge difference, but the principle of all five males' behaviors is EXACTLY the fucking same.

Knowing that, how responsible am I for perpetuating the idea that men don't need to ask permission? Strike that, let me not be heteronormative here: how responsible am I for perpetuating the idea that people don't need to ask permission before kissing someone for the first time? So. Fucking. Responsible. I've been wrestling with the idea of fault since my interaction with Justin a few weeks ago. I definitely, definitely DEFINITELY fucking believe that he is one thousand percent in the wrong for how he behaved. If we are all acting on the idea that one person takes on all of the action to begin sexual engagement, and we base a partner's willingness on body language and physical cues, this is STILL Justin's problem. I tossed rejection left and fucking right, and he ignored it. If that was malicious is something I'll never know, but he still ignored my cues and kept heading down the assumed road to Plow Town.

How much of the burden rests on my shoulders, though? This has kept me up at night, literally. Should I have vocalized my displeasure at the idea of being physical with Justin? The answer is yes, but it's more complicated than yes. It's also no. I don't know if other people have this fear, but my primary motivator for utilizing distance rather than vocalizing a lack of desire for physicality stems from an awkward span of time turning into a hateful span of time. Had I told Justin "Um, look, dude, this isn't that kind of chill sesh. Tone down the 'mones and let's day drink and watch True Detective, because it's REALLY good, and nothing sexual will happen because I am seriously not interested in your wiener", there's every possibility that he could turn right around and say, "WOAH, calm down, Drea, I just wanted to hang out, don't be so god damn presumptuous, I'm not interested." Would I feel like an asshole if I did that? Yeah. I may pretend my ego is rock solid, but it really isn't. Could it also have offended him so much that he just didn't want to hang with me anymore, had his intentions been purely platonic? Absolutely.

About eight years ago, I met my friend Ian on OkCupid. Ian was really fucking cool, Ian was attractive, but being around Ian I got a definitive bestie vibe, not a "someone I want to fuck" vibe. Joke's on me, Ian and I fucked for a little while, and BONUS, he TOTALLY got my consent first, but this was a couple years after we first met. The second time Ian and I hung out, he had come to have lunch with me while I was at work. We were just talking, and I said something about how our relationship would never be sexual, I just wanted him to know that. The look on his face was really surprised, and I don't know if it was rejection, or shock at my audacity, but I've ALWAYS felt strange about vocalizing to a man that we're not going to be lovers in the nighttime ever since. It rings as highly presumptuous to me, and I've since adopted the tactic of crossing that bridge when I come to it.

I'm guilty of kissing men JUST to either have something to do (ugh. More men than I can count have been ways to pass the time, despite my low interest in them), OR to escape a situation that felt threatening to me. I know a lot of people struggle to believe the idea that someone could be physical with someone to keep themselves out of harm's way even though they really don't want to do it, but it's a real thing. I've done it, I have friends that have done it; we are not anomalous, we are legion, mother fuckers.

I didn't fight back when I was raped. I said no a lot, and as he got increasingly violent, I shut my mouth and limply did what he wanted. My absolute fear that this man would fucking kill me if I fought back won, so I didn't. I don't constitute the times where I've gone along sexually to escape a scary interaction with a man as rape, though they skirt the line of sexual assault in my eyes. I don't negatively view the men who have kissed me instead of asking if they can. The spirit of all of these activities stems from people being taught that someone you want to be physical with will appreciate it more if you just GO FOR IT rather than getting enthusiastic consent, and I am part of the problem there.

I am fortunate enough to be in a position where I'm in a relationship where my husband and I can kiss each other without having to ask for permission, and the few times I've said no during sex, he's heard me and we've stopped. The permission phase isn't OVER, but there's an understanding of each other where we know there's no need to ask, we just need to hear the "no" and heed it when it comes. But...what if I were to, say, have an affair? Or what if my marriage doesn't work out, and I start dating again? What woman will I be in interactions like those?

I teach my son about enthusiastic consent. That he needs to be aware of the right others have to their boundaries, and if you're going to be physical with someone, you absolutely HAVE to know, without a doubt, that it is 100% ok to touch them, or kiss them. I believe in what I'm teaching him fervently, I want him to be a good person, and I want him to be respectful and attentive to the needs of whomever he rubs groins with.

Would I require this, though? If I were to find myself cruising for someone new, and I was really into them and they were really into me and I felt that incredible chemistry tickling its way through time and bursting into my head like a lightning bolt, and I silently knew we both wanted to be in each other's mouths....would I expect them to ask me if it was ok? I'd like to think I would. I can imagine that moment being exponentially hotter, broken up with tense requests and anxious hands and heavy breathing, and while I don't chase romance anymore and haven't in two decades, I recognize the romance in the idea that someone sees you as a person with bodily autonomy that is to be respected and treated as an equal, with dignity enough to make sure you want what they want because anything less than a hot and heavy YES just would not be sexy. I see that. But I also still see what I, from the safety of my marriage, consider an antiquated, but hot just the same, method of just taking what you want from your new hopeful partner and counting on them wanting what you want, and dissolving into each other silently, because you both just knew that your bodies had to be touching, as still being a sexy and viable approach, as well. I read that sentence out loud three times, and I know it's clunky, but I said what I said and I'm not sorry about how I said it.

I AM sorry about the sentiment, though. I hate that I still think that's kind of sexy, with the appeal hinging on the sexual viability of the other person in the scenario.

I know I am part of the problem, and I do now know how to get out of this hideous fucking hypocrisy wheel.

This is not to say that I accept blame for Justin. I will grant him that he is not a mind reader, and I should not have been anything other than forthcoming about my non-existent desire to fuck him. I did kind of lead him on, even though I never explicitly stated YES WE ARE DOING THIS...I lead him on by not explicitly stating that he needed to fucking tamp down his notion that we were going to fuck JUST because we had fucked before, or I had mentioned his penis on my podcast, or we were still friendly, when he would float ideas of us being sexual. I relied on my unwillingness to engage him sexually via text as being the sole signal that honestly, his language was tiring and I'm a human woman with a brain that's worth being friends with instead of just seeing as a body that's worth dumping semen on or into, when I should have just flatly said no. I played a part in him thinking something would happen, and while having an expectation of ANYBODY'S body and how they're going to use it with you is fucked up and dangerous, it's not like I don't blame myself for how he got there. I could have done far more to make it clear that my vagina was not open for his business. I thought he'd understood, but I was being naive.

I wonder about who I am now, outside of my marriage. I get to rely on my marriage for a lot of the preaching I do about feminist ideals as they apply to the bodily autonomy of others, and I will be honest: I am scared about what the microscope of being single would reveal about who I am outside of principle.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Let me try with pleasured hands




Hawaii isn't perfect. One of the downsides to living here is cabin fever. I've always loved roaming around, having the freedom to go where I want, when I want. Long roadtrips are my jam, and while sure, it takes three hours to get around the island, it isn't quite the same if I start from home and spend three hours driving...home.

The biggest downside so far is the house mice. About a month ago, I wandered into the kitchen to make myself some food, I took out my measuring cups, got out my ingredients, got distracted a little by trying to find a good video essay to listen to on YouTube, came back into the kitchen, and fucking screamed my ass off when I saw a writhing, adorable little mouse in one of my measuring cups. To clarify, I didn't scream because I'm terrified of mice. I rather love them. I screamed because I was very startled, I thought I was hallucinating and my cup was spinning into a fuzzy vortex or some shit, and also maybe because evolution made me do it (it's true! Evolution made me scream!). I screamed loudly enough that the mouse stopped worming around the cup, jumped right out, and ran away. I told Derek that there was a mouse (after running out of the kitchen, of course. Like a perfectly normal human that is not scared of mice in the least), he didn't really believe me, and then the next few weeks, I kept fucking hearing the god damn mouse, and it was starting to drive me crazy.

As I've said every chance I can, I am a holier-than-thou vegan, so when it comes to setting mouse traps, they have to be catch and release mouse traps that won't hurt the adorable little critters (and Hawaiian house mice really are fucking cute). Derek bought three humane mouse traps, we set them up, and waited. For a week, absolutely not a peep from our vermin roommate. I kept baiting the traps with Derek's cheese, but the mouse wanted none of it. I tried a little piece, and...I mean...I get it. The cheese was fucking AWFUL. I tried peanut butter, and BAM! We caught our little house mouse. I was upstairs getting ready for bed, and Derek was frantically calling me to come downstairs, and when I did, aggravated and yelling about not being able to get a moment of peace (which is frankly rich, coming from me), I was so fucking delighted to see we had a little guest. So we put him in a box, drove him five miles away, and then dropped his mousey ass off at a park.

I don't think either of us figured that was it for hice mice, but speaking for myself, I kind of just forgot that house mouses are a problem of living here and I went on living my life. A few nights ago, Derek and I had stir fried bok choy, and kind of sort of went upstairs to go to bed without cleaning up the kitchen, leaving the wok and its bok choy oil on the stove. I woke up at 4am for some water, and when I came downstairs, I heard this really fucking weird noise that I couldn't discern. I was looking around the kitchen, and I saw the wok moving back and forth, so I steeled myself for a huge cockroach (another massive problem in Hawaii. The cockroaches out here are so fucking MASSIVE, and the ONLY thing you can do is kill them, because they are in your house no matter what. Spotless, dirty, it doesn't matter. You share a house with cockroaches unless you put poison down) and peeked in to find instead the world's oiliest mouse trying to jump out of my wok and having zero success at it. It seems that bok choy is a tasty morsel no matter what genus you belong to, and my little house guest had wanted in on our leftover action. I still have no idea how he got in the wok (though I did learn that mice can jump almost two feet, which is extraordinary!), but I was pleased and agitated that we had inadvertently snagged another one.

I went upstairs to wake Derek up, he groggily came down to help me put the mouse mouse into a more secure holding spot (a decked out spinach container, if you're curious, complete with cozy mouse bed, water, peanut butter, and spinach leaves), and in his grog, he accidentally tipped the wok at such an angle that mouse mouse jumped right out, left a splat of an oil mark on our slate tile kitchen floor, and then he ran under the oven. We laughed and went up to bed, knowing we needed to rebait the traps in the morning. no sooner had we rebaited, then who should appear but a tiny little baby of a mouse mouse! Absolutely adorable, no more than a few weeks old, which is way cute, but way bad news, because this means we now have proof that there are enough mice in our house to be breeding. We were hoping these two mice had been one-offs, as we had never seen mice in our house until January. We've lived here since July, and it seemed to make sense that we would have heard or seen them long before now. Some light researching showed that cockroaches, lizards, AND mice tend to migrate in during the winter months on the islands ("winter"), but that doesn't mean we have any less of a problem. The heece meece are making smaller meeces, and mice are fucking voracious little breeders, so I started freaking out that we might have to hire an exterminator to kill off these little dudes that just want to live out their lives like the rest of us:happy, cozy, well fed, and living behind someone's oven. I prepare the spinach box again and bring it outside to Derek so he can help me let it loose into its temporary home, and my dumb ass didn't have the lid on securely, and out it fucking popped, and it scurried under the house. After a light chastising from Derek that I thoroughly deserved (he got one from me after tipping the wok, so it's absolutely fair), I went into the house to replace and rebait the trap.

About a week ago, we got a new cat. A handsome little tuxedo that Derek named Mr. Floopies (he's officially named Ae'o, but Mr. Floopies has a certain charm, and it's just what we call him now). He's Lili's age (seven months), they're good little buddies, and he's a very affectionate, alert, smart little button of a cat with a 90 degree angle in his tail. Two nights ago, an ungodly ruckus kept waking Derek and I up in the middle of the night from behind our bed. Mr. Floopies is a very active critter, unlike our fat fat Lili, who will sleep in her drawer all night without so much as a peep or wriggle. Mr. Floopies wants to be under the covers, then at your head, then in his drawer, then at your feet, then between your legs...he's a very active night cat, so while this new banging around was a new PLACE for him to be active, him making noise at 3am wasn't out of character.

6:30 yesterday morning, I wake up to a chirping Mr. Floopies, very loudly announcing his presence on the bed, and what did he drop on me, you might be wondering even though you shouldn't be because I'm horrible at twists? A dead baby mouse mouse. I praised him for his solid hunting skills, called Derek, and tried to resolve myself to having to dispose of this poor mouse carcass. As I was steeling myself to do just that, Mr. Floopies came back to grab his prize again, I yelled, and he stole his dead mouse toy behind the bat, and proceeded to thwomp around with it for a few minutes before bringing it back out to me so I could appreciate it once again. This time, I praised him again and locked him in the bathroom so I could dispose of this mouse properly. He had bitten out his eyes, and I was quite sad for this little mouse mouse, but pleased that Mr. Floopies is such a keen little hunter.

Now, if you couldn't tell our cats apart because Lili is an orange tabby and Mr. Floopies is a tuxedo cat with a very distinct bend in his tail, one way to figure them out is Mr. Floopies is INSANELY active, and Lili is a lazy priss with a god complex. For the last week, Derek and I have felt pretty confident that Mr. Floopies hears the mice in the cupboards and smells their scent trails, and may see them running around under the oven and fridge. Lili couldn't give two shits about what's going on in the kitchen unless you're offering her morsels of yummies. I've vocalized to Derek more than once my fears of Mr. Floopies being a really good mouser and dropping dead mice on our bed, or hiding them in our laundry (he likes to be in the closet in our laundry bins), or leaving dead mice behind the bed where they will rot and smell. So here we are, I have been right once, and I have a feeling that is not the last dead mouse mouse that Mr. Floopies will gift us.

Last night, in the middle of writing this, I felt compelled to go check the traps. The reason I didn't finish this last night was I found TWO baby mice in one trap. A twofer! So Derek and I had to go drop them off far from the house. Of course I found mice last night while writing about my meece problem. Of course I did. We also went and bought four more mouse traps. I don't want Mr. Floopies killing these little mice, I really don't. I can deal with that better than I can deal with poisoning them, or calling an exterminator, because it's far more natural that HE kill them than WE kill them, but neither path is preferable. The traps are working well so far, we just need to...you know...stop dropping the little guys when we catch them.

Because the universe has no shortage of ironies, when we took our newest meeces to a large field with plenty of hiding spaces for them, it was fucking FULL of cats. Just lousy with felines. I told Derek to take me back to the park, he said I was being ridiculous, and then he took the meeces to the tree and released them.

Welp. Here's to pretending that the mice are now living in Hawaii's version of Redwall, safe from starving ferals.