Monday, April 30, 2018

A story for Gary Puckett, in three parts.

I wonder if the reason I dislike children (aside from my own) is that my childhood was such an event. I mean, nobody is going to be making an indie darling film out of my life (but yo, A21, I'm here if you're fresh out of ideas), but I definitely lived a LOT before I hit 21, and not a lot of kids do. By the time I was 15, I had been kicked out of two homes, volleyed back and forth (state to state, so the bouncing around wasn't exactly friendly to me personally), been institutionalized (as much as I wish that were hyperbolic language, it is not), my parents had divorced, I had lived in several states because we just couldn't land anywhere, I'd had my beautiful, amazing, wonderful daughter and then made very grown up decisions about her without a shred of grown up experience and subsequently lost her, I'd run away and fled one state to go live in another (in the middle of the night, too, isn't that EXCITING sounding? Except it wasn't, it was terrifying), I could keep going, but the point is, I'd lived a lot. I'd lived far more intense situations than anybody I know. Abuse was a pretty hefty undercurrent of all of this living, as well, just to kind of put a fun party hat on my early life shenanigans. Physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, I was a fuckin' grab bag of insidious things! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

My childhood was a disaster. I know that underneath all of it, I still had a LOT of privilege, even though I was DESPERATELY poor growing up. We had a roof over our heads, but barely, and my parents did their fuckin' most to make sure I never needed anything, and fuck, man, bless them for that. I sure WANTED for lots of things, but that isn't the point. I was in this weird place of extreme poverty, but still privileged, and I'm not sure how that works out, but I suppose it does. Anyway, the point here is, my childhood was not so great. thing I DO want to mention...I was a pretty special member of the Lisa Frank Fan Club when I was a little girl. I got things to color, and stickers, and a pencil, every month, and I'd get even specialer things on my birthday. So yeah, my life generally sucked, but I mean, I got pictures of pandas in overalls and ballerina bunnies, so I guess it was a wash? My mom wouldn't let me be a member of the MST3K fan club, though. I wasn't lying when I said I was abused.

It's not terribly surprising that I wanted a lot of attention as a young girl. If I wasn't buried in a book, pretending to be Jo Marsh, or The White Cat, or my absolute literary heroine Anne Shirley (I will always say that she is the person in literature that is the most like me, and you can fight me on that if you want, but you'll lose), I was doing the absolute most at school to be noticed. Keep in mind that I'm talking about elementary school here. I was larger than life, and while I distinctly remember everybody loving me, the adult in me is fairly positive everybody fucking hated me and wished I would die. And who wouldn't want to shut up the frizzy haired weird girl that was extra as hell with her theatrics? I was like Carmelita Spats, without the mean streak. I was also a know it all, and I love how I've made that past-tense. Like I'm not still a hideous know it all. Everybody always wanted me on their team when we played Brain Quest, and I always thought it was because I was popular. In retrospect, I'm fairly sure it's because I knew all of the answers, and everybody wanted in on that winning action. In third grade, I discovered that boys were interesting to me in a way they hadn't been interesting before, and the first boy that made me feel that way was Elliot Glassman. Oh my god, he was the rising and falling of the sun to me. I had no idea why, but I wanted to impress him, so that's what I set out to do.

Our teacher, Mrs. Brown, read to us every day, and obviously I could use that to my advantage. After all, I read all the time, I was an amazing reader, both out loud and in my head, and what person ISN'T just swept off of their feet, blown away, and then sexually drawn to a person that can read with perfect cadence AND do all of the voices differently so there's a distinction between all of the characters? I was pretty quick to learn that the answer to that question was "nobody". Mrs. Brown was reading The BFG to us one day, and I had the absolute nerve to raise my hand and ask for permission to read to the class instead, citing that her voice sounded tired.

What a fucking cunt I was.

Mrs. Brown let me read, though, and when I tell you that I stood in front of the class and didn't just read, didn't just do all of the voices, but utilized my limber, gangly, awkward and long limbs to make story time ACTION STORY TIME, I am telling you the truth. I acted out the simplest sentences, ones that didn't even deserve a hand gesture, much less sweeping arm movements and leg kicks. I was never allowed to read to the class again, unless it was at my desk, and I'm sure it will surprise nobody when I say that Elliot was not impressed.

In fourth grade, I still held a pretty passionate, burning flame for Elliot. I don't know if he knew, but with the way I read to the class, i'm pretty sure that my dreamy-eyed staring at him from across the class was just as over the top and ridiculous, so if he didn't know, it was less a testament to my subtlety and more a statement about how oblivious he was. We had a school concert coming up, where every class had to present some kind of little show for the rest of the school, and it had to celebrate diversity in some way. In my head, I planned out something super elaborate, where I was the star. I was dressed like a princess, and everybody would love me, because I would look beautiful and elegant and like a grown up, and who would notice most of all? Elliot Glassman, that's who. Did anything close to that happen? Not even. We did something celebrating South America, complete with cha cha dancers and maraca rattlers, and some sort of chorus number. Did Mrs. Brown (yes, I had her for two years in a row) stick me in the chorus? No. She knew better than that. I'm fairly sure she needed a laugh, because she made me the conductor. Now, I didn't have to hide in a pit, I was front and center on the stage. I would argue that I had the most important part, because I was in front of everybody, telling them what to do. Or at the very least, pretending to tell them what to do. Now, here is where Mrs. Brown failed me, and why I'm pretty convinced that my casting as the conductor was for the benefit and mirth of herself and any other adult watching:

Nobody told me that conductors are stoic figures, that utilize their movements to really signify changes that orchestras or choirs need to make. Tempo, pitch, things like that....I had no idea the nuance of being a conductor. I knew that I was in charge of everyone, and Mrs. Brown made SURE I knew that I was "the lead" and that the lead needed to conduct the other students.

Well fuck me sideways, Winston Park Elementary, this was surely not just my ticket to stardom....yes, I thought that to myself, and I remember thinking this to myself, and yes, it embarrasses me enough that I physically shudder when I think about it....but my ticket to Elliot noticing me for my brilliance and charm and my AMAZING skills of a conductor.

Did I mention that we  had three separate parts of this performance? We had the choir, the cha cha dancers (Brittany and Jillian. The most popular girls in class. Brittany and Elliot really liked each other, so naturally, Brittany could eat shit, for all I cared), and the maraca dancers. Did I know that I was only conducting the choir? I did not know this. Was I corrected and told I was only to conduct the choir? I was not. Did we have SEVERAL practice sessions before we presented this? We did.

How did the presentation go? I'll tell you. And I'll preface this by saying that the reason I remember this in such stunning detail is because I am SO EMBARRASSED by it.

I got dressed that morning in my most flamboyant, and also, in my mind, Hispanic looking outfit. It was a very colorful skirt that went down to a little past my knees, and it was the absolute twirliest. I could execute PERFECT twirls in this skirt, and the skirt would stay up and spin and spin and spin, hovering around my midsection like a glorious carousel, a brilliant flash of colors and patterns whizzing by too fast to see, because the skirt was magical, and I felt magical in it. I paired it with a shirt that I had used for Halloween. I just spent thirty minutes trying to hunt down a photo of that shirt, but I couldn't find it, and my mom couldn't, either. This shirt was used with a cowgirl costume...I don't know why I ever wanted to be a cowgirl fro Halloween, but I was one year. The shirt had this strange ruffle on the a sewn on cravat from a bad tuxedo shirt. My favorite part of the shirt, though, was that it had a little tie in the front, and it showed my tummy. I didn't realy have any clue about being sexy back then, but I knew showing my tummy off felt daring. So this white shirt with a bad tuxedo front that tied above my belly button paired with the twirliest skirt felt, somehow, Hispanic, so I put that outfit on and went to school, and I cannot remember what I was thinking, but I'm sure it was all daydreams about Elliot Glassman telling me I was charming and beautiful and that Brittany was nothing compared to me, and I was the smartest girl in the whole school (now, I will say that he DID eventually tell me that, even though the way he did it dashed my heart into a thousand pieces, but that's for later), and we should be boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though I had no fucking clue what that meant. None of us did.

Here's what actually happened.

It was my class's turn to do their performance, and I was fuckin' READY. I had my game face on, me and the twirliest skirt in the world were going to bring down the fucking house. Do not forget that my only job was to move my arms around and conduct the choir. That is such an important detail, because I did not do it. The curtain lifted, the choir took their places on the little choir bleachers (is there a name for those? Choir bleachers isn't it, I'm sure), the cha cha dancers hid behind the choir bleachers, and maraca shakers stood on either side of the choir bleachers, and then out I marched, taking my place in the center of the stage, looking out into what I imagined was a sea of adoring fans, and I fucking curtsied and bowed. Like I was a huge fucking star or some shit. I turned around, and with as much gusto as I had in my tiny little bones, I used my hands and made all manner of fucking ridiculous gestures to the choir, indicating that it was time to sing their song. So they started singing, not so much because my crazy fuckin' hands demanded it of them, but because the background music started, and that was their cue. So, the choir is singing, I'm doing my best impression of someone having a seizure in their hands, and then it's time for the maracas to come in and start shaking, so I stop conducting the choir and start conducting the maracas. And when I say conducting the maracas, I mean I dropped my conductor's baton (I made it myself, did I neglect to mention that? I made it my fuckin' self, because diving deeply into something is all I know how to do) AND PICKED UP AN EXTRA PAIR OF MARACAS I HAD HIDDEN ON THE SIDE OF THE STAGE. Yes I did. And then I stood in place and tried to show the maraca shakers how to shake their maracas. Which is so condescending, now that I think about it, because how fucking hard is it to shake a maraca? It isn't. Did they need to be conducted? No. But I legitimately thought I was conducting EVERYBODY, so I shook my little maracas, and I didn't shake them in time to the other maraca shakers, so I can only imagine how much I brought down the room, and the general sound therein. A third maraca shaker, not following the beat, and just shaking her maracas anywhichway she damn well pleased? What a fucking nuisance. But in my head, I was REALLY bringing my A game, and elevating this performance to an entirely different realm.

And then.

Then it was the cha cha dancers' turn. Here's where it all fell down.

Brittany and Jillian came out, doing whatever dance they had practiced, which I had zero knowledge of. Just like I had zero knowledge of the rhythm the maraca shakers were going to shake out. I knew the choir, because THAT WAS MY ONE JOB. That was all I was supposed to know. That wasn't good enough for me, though. I heard "conduct", and I fucking ran with it. So out dance Brittany and Jillian, and I throw down my maracas, and I start dancing, too. And when I say dancing, I fucking mean it. I upstaged Brittany and Jillian by a million miles, though not because of grace, or talent, probably because of sheer shock value. I twirled across the stage, I cha cha'ed, I shimmied, I held up my arms and shook my hips, and kept twirling my skirt like some kind of colorful, insane, whirling dervish. A shocking, surprising, tornado of color and dance moves twirling her way around the stage, REALLY seizing my moment and assuming I was selling my skills to the audience, and they were loving it. I have to imagine that EVERYBODY was insanely confused. The rest of my class, Brittany and Jillian especially, my teachers, my fellow students, and the parents that had come to support us. At the end of the song, I was breathless and red faced and shimmied out, and I legitimately had the nerve to step in front of everybody else and fucking bow. I pushed my way to the front of the stage, like the asshole primadonna I believed I had earned the right to be, and bowed and curtsied like I had seriously been the star of the show. And perhaps I was, but for all the wrong reasons. I imagine my teachers got a HUGE laugh out of my antics, but I was never spoken to about it negatively. The only comment I got was, "You know, you were only supposed to conduct the choir, but I love how into the performance you got." I'm pretty sure that's what sunk this all into my memory, because I remember being told that, shooting a look at Elliot Glassman, and then feeling more embarrassed than I had ever felt in my entire life, because I knew I had way overstretched myself, and I probably looked like a fool instead of like an AMAZING performer. Elliot didn't give a shit.

Here is where I want to take a small break and just kind of clue you in on what I was working with as a kid. This is a picture from Fourth grade:

Great hair, great shirt, AMAZING taste in the finest of plastic jewelries. Why I wasn't dominating the social circuit is beyond me. Except it isn't, I was terrible.

I don't know how soon it was after that amazing performance of mine where I hogged the spotlight, but it couldn't have been long, I asked my best friend Taneesha to ask Elliot if he liked me. For whatever reason, young me had a self-confidence and ego that present day me envies like crazy. I was ALWAYS feeling myself, despite the fact that my mother dressed me about eight years behind the curve, I had frizzy hair, I was always buried in books, I had an answer for everything, and while this look may have been working for Anne Shirley, it certainly did Ondrea Tucci zero fuckin' favors.

Taneesha obliged, because of course she did. I remember hiding in the corner of the classroom like some kind of feral animal, watching their exchange, hoping for good news. In my head, I remember Elliot looking uncomfortable, though it didn't register as uncomfortable to me then. I'm pretty positive that's just adult me projecting onto the memories of young me, but uh...that projection is very probably correct. Anyway, Taneesha comes back and tells me precisely how Elliot feels about me.

It wasn't good, just to save you the agony of waiting for the punchline.

Elliot thought that I was alright, for a girl, but that I was the smartest girl in school, and a good friend. I didn't know enough to know that was a brush off, I took it as hopeful, but I really honed in on the "girl" thing. Like, a lot.

I spent the summer daydreaming about me and Elliot being boyfriend and girlfriend, whatever it was that that meant, and I knew that being seen as a girl was what was holding back my daydream of us being together from being reality. I needed to be seen as a woman.

It's funny how life works out for you sometimes, because when I went into fifth grade, with all of the same kids in my class (Elliot sat at the back of the room in a group that had Brittany in it, and I was seething with jealousy over that), the girls were OBSESSED with getting their periods. i mean, there was a lot of time dedicated to talking about it. I remember standing in line for lunch one day, with Jillian and Brittany and my besties Janice, Daveeda, and Taneesha, all of us a buzz over what we had heard it was like getting your period. I hoarded all of this intel and used it to my advantage. Jillian, Brittany, and Janice had all heard their older sisters, long into their periods, talking about what it was like to have it, so everything they talked about came from what I considered to be reliable sources. I decided that a period was what made you a woman. I don't know how or why that decision was made on my part, maybe it was some hairbrained video we watched in sex-ed, but that was the thing that was going to change me in everyone's eyes. My period would transform me, from "alright for a girl" to "so beautiful, as a woman" in Elliot's eyes, and fuck, I wish I were joking. I really do. I wish I were making all of this up, especially the next part.

I hatched a plan to fake my period.

I dropped hints to my friends about the symptoms their sisters had discussed with them, like oh, I feel like I have cramps, and then gesturing toward a vague section of my stomach. I have to pee so much now, was that a symptom? I have no idea, but very frequent urination became a thing. My chest is sore, even though I had zero fuckin' chest to speak of. These clues were all dropped on the same fucking day. I wasn't smart enough to lay down the framework for my period over time, because I didn't know any better. So over the course of one day it was BOOM cramps BOOM peeing a lot BOOM my non-existent titties hurt. Now, I WAS smart enough to not just drop these hints, but to play them up. When I had cramps, I clutched my stomach area and grimaced as believably as I could. When I mentioned I had to pee a lot, I played that shit up in class, running to the bathroom every ten minutes. which was in our classroom, not in the hallway, so my antics were noticeable, and I thought I looked every bit like the kind of girl who was about to get her period, but I probably just looked like a little girl with very desperate diarrhea. Or a kidney infection. After half a day of being what I assumed was the very model of pre-period, it was time for the finale. While Mrs. Nathanson, my fifth grade teacher, was at the board, doing math problems or something, I honestly don't remember, I gasped VERY audibly and ran to the bathroom. Again, not thinking for a second that people might have thought I had diarrhea. Which is what I would think now. Diarrhea or bulimia, but definitely definitely DEFINITELY not period. I bide my time in the bathroom and, because of COURSE I did this, I pulled red food coloring out of my pocket and squirted all of it in the toilet. Every last drop of the red food coloring I stole from my mom's pantry the night before, gone. I got it all over my fingers, which bothered me for two seconds until I realized it made my period story more believable. I put the food coloring bottle in my pocket so I wouldn't leave evidence behind, and then came waltzing out of the bathroom and declaring the following to the entire class, very loudly:

Well, it's happened. I'm a woman now.

And I put a LOT of emphasis on woman. Probably WAY too much. The entire class looked at me, the lesson stopped, and I felt so fucking smug and satisfied with myself, because how adult must I have seemed in that moment? A real life woman. A WOMAN in their midst. Those fucking lucky ass fifth graders, to be in the presence of a living, bleeding woman. You know who didn't give a shit? Elliot fucking Glassman. You know who did? Mrs. Nathanson, who rushed into the bathroom, dragging me in there with her, and my plan kind of fell apart here, because I didn't realize that periods were a huge fucking deal, and longer than one moment, and more involved than I could have ever anticipated. Mrs. Nathanson flushed the toilet (how on earth did she not go, "yeah, Drea, that's fucking red food coloring in the water, what the fuck. The jig is up, bitch, explain yourself immediately"), hugged me, asked if I felt ok, and then said she'd walk me to the office so we could call my mother and have me picked up from school. And I literally had to spend the next five fucking years faking like I had a period, but REALLY badly. Like, REALLY badly. My mom started me off on pads, and I just kind of stockpiled them, because I didn't know what else to do, or how to fake using them. And she'd ask me to tell her when I needed new pads, and then I'd be like, oh, now. I need new pads now. But the timing was always erratic. If I had ACTUALLY had my period, I would have needed pads WAY more frequently. But that doesn't matter, and it certainly doesn't matter that, when I finally got my period for real at age fifteen, skipping school because I ironically had sore boobs and cramps and an upset stomach, and this weird feeling that felt like I maybe had to pee, but different, watching Maury Povich and eventually bleeding all the fuck over my mom's hideously ugly green leather sofa, I couldn't even tell anybody, because I had been faking my period for so long that everybody thought I had it already. I had nobody to announce I was officially a woman to.

And nobody fucking gave a shit about me announcing it to an entire class, trying my best to target the ears of Elliot Glassman, hoping against hope that a bleeding vagina was what fifth grade boys were hoping for in a girlfriend. Elliot Glassman continued to not give a flying fuck about me in the way I wanted him to for the remainder of the year. I was absolutely gutted. I harbored that crush well into sixth grade, even though he didn't go to my middle school. I had a very hard time letting go of my first non-celebrity crush, because it was new and different and eye-opening. I didn't think I was supposed to get over it, because I had no fucking idea that boys would flit in and out of my peripherals for the next twenty years. Elliot Glassman was the first in a long, long line of boys that I would fawn over and dream about in spectacular fashion, and make a fool of myself over, again and again. In that way, he's nobody special, he's like every other boy I came into contact with. The thing that makes him special is, he got to witness my period.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Don't want you to get it on with nobody else but me

I received an email from my boudoir photographer that my images are ready.

I really thought I'd take longer to look at them, but I looked at them fairly immediately (well...after Anali looked at them first). It feels weird to say it this way, but I fucking LOVE the photos. I hate that the photos are of me. I don't particularly care for how I look, because hating myself is very en vogue and also I'm a fucking wad, but she did such a fucking great job of taking the photos. If I had a different body and a different head...well, wait. Now hang on, because that's how shitty Disney movies start, so my language should be VERY specific. If I had a SEXIER FEMALE BODY and a PRETTIER FEMALE HEAD, I am positive I would have better body image, and I would be able to look at these photos without tearing myself apart first, and chastising myself for my flaws. Cant have myself waking up tomorrow with like, some jacked and bullstrong male bodybuilder's body and the head of a kestrel, though that would be kind of amazing. Ugh, though even my specific language opens up so many loopholes. Like sexier according to whom? Maybe someone thinks the sexiest woman alive with the hottest body is someone who weighs 600 pounds (that fetish exists, don't ask me how I know), and the most gorgeous person alive is, like....someone I find wholly awful looking. It could get twisted and complicated and awful very quickly, and I mean, I get that that's the point. It's very Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. And it's also adorbs that I've broken this scenario down as if it MIGHT happen. Fuck me. Ugh.

Let's see which ones I have the nerve to post. It certainly won't be all of them.

Right off the bat, I think I look like an unwilling child bride in this photo (is there any other kind??), and it weirds me out that this is Derek's phone wallpaper.

That fucking jacket. Derek and I were at the PX, and I saw this jacket and knew I needed it. Thankfully, my vegan principles were hardly compromised, as Michael Kors swore off fur last year, and this is definitely a faux fur jacket (with muthafuckin' TINSEL in it!!!), so I had all of the luxury, none of the guilt. And only half the price tag! Because it was on sale! Instead of spending 400 dollars for a ridiculous coat, we only spent 200! Hooray! But also I'm still hearing about my frivolity from my husband. Can't win them all. Sidebar: one of the things that kind of blows about boudoir photo editing is all of the smoothing that goes into it. My skin looks smooth as fuck, which means my leg muscles aren't really all that noticeable. I've been doing squats and lunges like it's my fucking job, and it's definitely paying off, but my legs just look thick instead of their usual muscular.

I will never understand what makes thigh highs and garters sexy. They are a pain in the fucking ass. That's so much work and effort for a payoff you'd be getting ANYWAY, and I imagine that they are 100% theatrical, which makes them impractical, which makes them a waste. They're a pretty popular thing with our clients, and while I PERSONALLY have misgivings about wearing them, as I think they look silly, I kind of wanted to cover a typical boudoir base. So here we are. Thigh highs and a garter, while I pretend to be a sexy mop that is consumed by ecstasy.

Like, does that not look ridiculous?? My feet look ridiculous. My legs look ridiculous. Those straps look ridiculous. I. Am. Ridiculous.

Ugh, but there's my tummy. My stupid, PCOS tummy. I work out all the fucking time (have I mentioned in here that it's up to three times a day now?), and I cannot shake this tummy that my dumb dumb disorder has shackled me with. I'm hoping the three times a day, vegan keto (which is damn near IMPOSSIBLE, but I'm pretty determined to make it work for a few months. Now is not the time for the keto science, either. I know what it all say, and I'm doing it, anyway), and this supplement regimen I'll be starting on Monday make a difference, and I can get back to what I used to be before this ruined my body. But to get back to the point, THOSE FUCKING SHOES ARE A GOD DAMN DREAM.

I fucking TOLD YOU I had been doing squats and lunges like it was my fucking job. That booty is the proof. I HATE that little fold of fat under the bra thing, but eh. I'm chubby? Fat folds happen. WHERE ARE MY LEG MUSCLES, THOUGH. My calves legit pop out like angry veins. I've earned that definition, and it almost feels like muscles can't be sexy, so they have to be smoothed away. It's ultimately no big thing, because I look nice and smooth and touchable, it's only mildly irksome because I'm feeling like I have to explain that I definitely have muscular legs, not uselessly thick ones that are invitingly smooth.

Oh, just checking to make sure I got a super close shave. The way normal people do when they're in bed, alone, hanging out. Contemplating life, the universe, and everything. *Towel not pictured*

Oh, me. You're so cuddly and dreamy. My hair is looking AMAZING, though. I should have been cuddling my hair instead of my tiddies.

That window looks like a garbage chute, which is perfect for me, as I am a trash monster. Also, why do people wear g-strings as ACTUAL panties? They are so uncomfortable and I felt like I had some sort of tree branch wedged in the crevasse of my sizable booty. Maybe that's just me, and my ass crease would get used to the flossing feeling eventually, but I'm definitely not interested in finding out.

I sent this photo to my husband and said, "my face is so dark, you can pretend I'm someone else!" I really fucking hate that I have such a short torso and a high waist. Ugh, and such a chubbo tum tum.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty confident that EVERYBODY lounges around their homes in a faux fur jacket covered in tinsel, tousling their hair and giving "fuck me" eyes to every corner. If I'm wrong there, I need to reconsider my life choices.

If this is sexy, I am a fucking GODDESS when I'm nursing a head cold, as this is what I look like 100% of the time when I'm ill.

I'm not ALWAYS grimacing! I smile sometimes, and I'll prove it.


Oh, you know, just laying here, being coyly pensive, thinking about the nature of reality.

In my entire life, I don't think there's ever been a picture that has encapsulated me more than this one. This picture looks more like me than I do. I feel like I have a truly special gift in my ability to make what is supposed to be a sexy, soft photo look sardonic, but I think that's my approach to my own femininity in a nutshell. I've never really seen myself as soft, or sexy, or overly feminine, so I've never tried to be, and my mannerisms, while not rough around the edges 100% of the time, are more cutting than they are delicate. So here we are. The most accurate portrait of me there ever was ever.

Stormy did such an amazing job, she really did. I can barely stand how good the PHOTOS look. I'm another thing altogether, but her photos are killer.

Then why post them, you might be asking yourself, in a manner that would make the Talking Heads proud.

It annoys the fucking piss out of me when my clients don't share their boudoir photos. I can't even tell you how much it bothers me. I take it so personally, even though I'm sure it's because the photos are meant for private consumption, and not because they hate the photos. But I'm posting these because Stormy's work deserves to be everywhere.

If you need a photographer, obvs come to me, first, but if I'm unavailable, she's the one to go to. And if you have to travel to London to do it, she's worth the trip.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

I get a little bit Genghis Khan

It appears that getting older is just discovering new muscles in your body because they suddenly hurt every day until you die. 

Boudoir shoot went as well as could be expected. Photographer was a fuckin' DREAM, but I have more hang ups than I thought I did, and the entire session was doing my best to not cry noticeably, and then making sure my quiet sob sessions when I changed didn't ruin my make up. Thankfully, I'm a fucking EXPERT at crying in front of people without them noticing, so I suppose I have that going for me.

What I don't have going for me is my GIGANTIC SCHNOZZ:

Image may contain: Ondrea Tucci, closeup

I have some fucking nerve expecting people to hire me to take flattering photos of them when I can't even keep my own god damn nose under control in a selfie. FUCK, I look tired. Tired with a big nose. 

I had a few shoots two weeks ago, and I just cannot bring myself to sit and edit the photos. I'm slacking at school, I'm slacking at work, and I really just want to play Ori and the Blind Forest. The only thing I'm NOT slacking on is working out three times a day which...I mean...there are definitely more effective uses of my time. But. I've got that end of school malaise going on where I just don't give a fuck about anything. Or it's severe depression. Or Both! Life is fun that way. 

Sub three months until we move to Hawaii, and we're starting to whittle our possessions down and sell things. Derek has been VERY successful at this. Me...not so much. Because I  haven't even gotten started inventorying the shit I want to get rid of, which means I haven't taken any photos, which means I haven't listed anything. Meanwhile, my worker bee husband keeps messaging me with new things he's sold and it makes me feel like an unproductive asshole....for the two seconds I spend on the conversation. Then I just get back to whatever it is I'm not doing, and I forget about it. 

In a move that is distinctly unlike me, I've opted to go the natural supplement route to try and get my PCOS under fucking control. Birth control sounds so fucking stupid, for several reasons. One, all of my experiences with birth control are miserable ones. Two, while I get that it's the hormones, my brain cannot wrap itself around the idea of taking birth control when I am so fucking incapable of getting knocked up. Which...I mean...thank fucking god. I don't need any of that baby nonsense in my life. Anyway, it seems far cooler to take eighteen natural supplements a day, hoping like hell they all work and don't turn me into The Fly or some shit, instead of taking one birth control pill. I'm not so sure about my brain sometimes. 

Fuck. I have to get going on finishing my website. Am I REALLY this fucking into procrastination? Yes. Yes, I am. 

But who wouldn't want to procrastinate when there's this kind of shit to listen to??