Sunday, December 21, 2014

There's every possibility that I am, in fact, a magpie.

So, one of the things I do when I have nothing better TO do is browse for things online. Dresses, shoes, purses, baubles....I create lists in my head of things I want so I can go back and get them later. Of course, I generally forget about them, which works out well for my proverbial wallet. One thing I never, ever forget is jewelry. I am the mooniest-eyed magpie ever ever ever. I love jewelry, rings in particular. I only own two rings that mean anything to me, and one of them is kept in the safest of places, worn only on very, very special occasions. I have two pieces of gaudy costume-type jewelry that I wear whenever the mood strikes me, one being a chunky mint green bracelet, and the other being a ring that looks like an oval portrait frame, with a pale blue stone inside of it. It's huge. It takes up most of my finger. I like my odd taste in jewelry. I've yet to see anybody wear the same things I wear (I think some might try and make the case that that's because I have just the worst taste, and I need to tone down the ugly a bit), and I take that in stride. But I've strayed fairly far from the point.

I've been browsing today. I google things like "interesting jewelry", and I find designers that I wouldn't have otherwise heard of. A few weeks ago, such a thing happened, and I found this ring:

Oooooh, a sparkly!

I love it. I don't know what place sells this particular designer, and I haven't really done any digging to find out where, but one day, it might be important.

I hadn't actually bothered to look through his other designs, so I did today. complete fairness, 98% of them are fucking awful. They're just these art deco monstrosities that I feel like people would only buy or wear as a statement piece (that statement being FUCK YOU, AESTHETICS, but that's neither here nor there). But, there were two more that I liked:

Rose gold is delicious.

What a unique piece!

I don't know where I got this obsession with sparkly things. For the most part, I just like to look and covet a little bit before moving on to the next sparkly thing. Though, looking at that sparkly thing and coveting it usually goes down like this:

I've accepted that I'm Jeremy, and that's ok. both because I love Don Bluth movies AND I loved this book (I loved the sequels, too! While I didn't care for Frisbee as a name, I did name my first rat Brisby as homage to the book and the movie), and because I'm fairly fucking sure that's really how I look when I see something sparkly. My eyes turn colors, and I stop speaking coherent English.

My pants are way too big for me. If I pull them all the way up to the top of my ribs, they look pretty alright, but they fall down and look like crap the moment I do anything. This shirt is too big, as well. I look like I'm wearing a tent. I think I might be. My plan was to have them tailored, because I wanted the jeans and the shirt, but they only came in smalls and extra larges (both of them. What a cruel coincidence), but this morning I just decided, fuck it, you'll be fine, just throw a belt on! And then I remembered I don't have belts, because I'm not adult enough for them, and I had no way of making this shirt anything but insanely billowy, but I came to work in this, anyway. Clearly I make good choices. I should have just worn a pencil skirt and a button down. Damn foolish of me.

I may update this AGAIN later this evening. I have photos to edit and post, and I'm feeling very anxious, and like writing is where it's at.

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