Sunday, August 31, 2014

When the last light warms the rocks, and the rattlesnakes unfold

I drove up to the top of Pikes Peak yesterday. It was fucking amazing, even though I felt slightly buzzed due to the altitude. I made quite a few stops on the way up, and I took a lot of pictures just to keep a record of how beautiful it was. I didn't really bother trying to make them good pictures, because they're for posterity instead of aesthetics. I did take a few for the latter purpose, however. Here they are:
So, I tried to move this photo so it would be underneath the big version, but the attempt only served to irritate me. But I LOVED this woman. She just threw her arms out and cried Freedom. Not literally, but she really does look so absolutely herself. It was so wonderful to witness. I'm glad I got a picture, even if it's not good.
 So obviously, this is the full version of the other photo. Double the freedom! It's a BOGO deal!
 I stopped at this bit of tree because the lighting was lovely, and I liked the tree roots. It looks kind of over processed, but I really didn't do anything to the photo. I just happened to catch the interesting shadows and light playing together. Neat!
 Oh man. I loved this couple. So much. She kept saying she was chilly, and he'd hug her and rub her arms and kiss her temple. It was sweet. And lonely.
I love these little viewers! And they're everywhere at the summit. Unsurprisingly. Again, I didn't mess with the colors. The sky was that fucking blue, and it was perfect.

This song is fucking doing it for me right now. I think it's annoying Allen. I'm sitting in the living room, multitasking this entry and psychology homework and listening to it over and over. He looks just about the furthest from pleased I've ever seen a human look. I don't even care. It's such a good song. It's full of solid lines, and his voice is gorgeous. Let's listen to it again. Yes yes yes.

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