I had a dream that someone was trying to tell me that Rick Astley was a one hit wonder. I described my dream response to Derek as "borderline belligerent" because that person in my dream was super wrong. Dream me knew it. Waking me knows it, too, but I would never get as worked up as dream me did. I don't remember much from the dream except that it was absolutely critical that I yell at this faceless nobody about Rick Astley's string of hits.
Waking me does not know of a string of hits belonging to Rick Astley. Waking me knows about two Rick Astley songs:
Never Gonna Give You Up (obviously)
Together Forever (I fucking LOVE this song so much. Earnestly love it. It's a fucking bop. Fight me)
My husband does not share my views on Rick Astley's immortal hit Together Forever. Which is why I thought it would be hilarious to force him to listen to it on our way to NOLA a few years ago.
But wait! There's more! In which I do a HORRIBLE Rick Astley impression while trying to pretend I don't actually do an AMAZING Rick Astley impression and that I also do not know all of the fucking words to that song.
Video evidence aside, I am far from a Rick Astley connoisseur, I know next to nothing about him, his career, his interests, and I am not so huge a fan of his that I would ever scream into your face about it. So I decided to see just how right dream Drea was about Rick Astley, because I was curious about it all day. Who knows why. I think it's because I really love being the Trash Heap of fucking useless pop culture trivia.
I googled.
Gee. Thanks.
I thought that was really fucking funny, but I really wanted to know now, so I had zero time for Google's passive aggressive bullshit.
Sit back, kids, you're about to learn about Rick Astley. As I do.
So, Rick Juniper Astley was born to Diego and Miriam Astley in April of 1966 in County Gloucestshire, Ireland. Literally none of that is true.
All I care about are the hits. Of which he had 8. Eight fucking top ten hits, Rick Astley, damn. My love of shitty music of the 80s soft rock persuasion has really been sleeping on you. Let's assess.
His only number one was Never Gonna Give You Up. It spent five weeks at number one, which isn't record breaking or anything, but for the whitest man alive singing a song about some serious male entitlement issues and his relationship wishes of autocracy over some women who...if the lyrics are to be believed...isn't interested, five weeks is nothing to sneer at. It spent a total of 23 weeks on the charts. Twenty Fucking Three.
He had TWO number two hits:
When I Fall In Love was the follow up to Never Gonna Give You Up, and he rode the wave of his like...fucking WAY unlikely pop stardom into that number two hit staying at number two for...uh...I have no idea how many weeks, but staying on the charts for twelve weeks. Which, I've gotta be honest, is a lot more than a mediocre cover (that sounds less like a cover and more like a lounge singing, drunk Nat King Cole impersonator who does a great job when they're sober, but they are never sober) deserves. Fresh outta the gate with your fame, and you're already riding on the coattails of geniuses? Bold fucking move, Rick. And by bold I mean GO FUCK YOURSELF, RICK ASTLEY.
Together Forever is the only follow up to Never Gonna Give You Up that matters. I'm glad he didn't preemptively M. Night Shyamalan himself by releasing his best song first. This was on the charts for 9 weeks. I have no idea how many of those were spent at number two. We'll say all of them and call it even.
Keeping with the order, he had one number three hit:
Whenever you Need Somebody was his actual follow up to Never Gonna Give You Up, and I mean, it seems pretty fucking well received. It hit number three, it stayed on the charts for 12 weeks, three weeks longer than his best hit (FUCKING FIGHT ME, BILLBOARD). I have never heard this song before, so I am listening to it right now. It opens JUST LIKE Together Forever and Never Gonna Give You Up.
Oh. Oh my god. He's fucking violently white.
I...I have never seen anything so fucking white and so fucking 80s and so fucking lame EVER, and I am fucking white and lame and from the fucking 80s.
Just...I...things like this are why I'm an atheist.
Moving on, because I told myself I'd listen to his top ten songs that I haven't heard, and there are four more to go. If they're as bad or worse than this, I'm going to stab myself.
He didn't have a number four, or a number five. Skipped those and went straight for number six:
She Wants to Dance With Me spent eleven weeks on the charts, no idea how many were spent at peak spot. I have never heard this song, either. It's not as offensive as Whenever You Need Somebody, but...hang on. I lied. It is. It's just as offensive. It seems very on brand for Rick Astley as I've always imagined him to be as a person, though. Just fucking malignantly bland. This video is a god damn riot, though. Not intentionally, of course. Worth a watch if you want to cringe yourself into outer space, though.
For his next trick, he charted at number seven:
Cry For Help is one of those songs that you know, but you don't know you know. I was under the impression I had never heard it before when I looked it up a little earlier (this was the first hit of his I looked up that I was unfamiliar with). It is a song I don't know from real memory, but my brain was like, listen closer, bitch, you hear this in elevators and the PX and malls and dental lobbies ALL THE TIME. And I was like, good call, brain, you're the smartest. This song was on the charts for 7 weeks, I'm assuming because it's fucking TURRIBLE. Emphasis on the URR. Not worth a listen at all. 0/10. Fuck you, Rick Astley, you are a terrible person. BUT, if you do watch the video, the aesthetic is...it's just **chef's kiss**. So fucking bad. So god damn bad that you can't even laugh. The hair, the outfit, the lighting, the everything. It triggers the schadenfreude.
I'm really souring on Rick Astley. If this billboard dive has taught me anything, it's that the 80s can't be trusted. I'm glad I only have two more songs of his to talk about. I don't know how much more Rick Astley expansion I can handle, it isn't improving my opinion of him.
Billboard hit the consecutive next reached number eight in the top ten:
Take Me To Your Heart was on the charts for 11 weeks, Again, never heard it in my life. When I put it on, I thought it was going to be an Ace of Base song. This is neither good nor is it offensive, it's just aggressively boring. If it had had a great chorus, this song could be a total fucking jam. It has potential, but...well...white people ruin everything.
His last top ten hit topped out at number ten:
Hold Me in Your Arms was his second weakest chart offering at 8 weeks, only one more than Cry For Help, and I am on my last new Rick Astley listen. I'm not expecting anything. I didn't let myself down. But if you watch this video, I am currently demanding a Rick Astley Bio-pic starring Ryan Reynolds in the titular role. I can't unsee the similarities between them, except I think Rick Astley looks less like a mouse than Ryan Reynolds. UPDATE: THIS SONG FUCKING SUCKS.
So. There it is. My deeper than necessary dive into Rick Astley's claim at NOT one hit wonderdom. Suck it, dream asshole. He also released an album a year ago. He's fucking STILL at it. And he's charted more hits in the Top 100, but I'm not so curious as to listen to those (five more on the top 100).
I don't ever want to do something like this ever again.