Monday, November 26, 2018

Everything's coming up Millhouse.

I have been churning out papers like mad, which is both a complaint, and a remark on how amazing at procrastination I am, given that I have had all semester to start these final papers, and I did not do that until the last possible minute.

Most of my classes are review classes this week, which I'd like to attend, but I would also like to finish the assignments I have due this week, chiefly the honker of a paper I have due on Wednesday, and my ten minute presentation I have due on Thursday. So rather than bike to school in the glorious weather, I'll be holed up inside, writing this paper like I have been all morning, and hoping I finish it today. Which isn't likely, as I cannot stop procrastinating long enough to write more than a few sentences at a time.

I am truly excited for this semester to end, though. Eleven more days, and I am free and clear for 31 days,  until it starts all over again, and when in the fucking journey do I stop wishing I were dead? It's so tiring to do school all the time, but I have shoots scheduled for after finals week, Stevie gets here the day I take my last final, and Derek is taking a two week long break after she leaves, and we'll get to reconnect, and really experience the island together, which we haven't gotten much of a chance to do.

I'm also looking forward to getting a better base tan. Check me out:

I am so much more tan than I would be if I were in Colorado or Texas. Texas was too hot to stay outside for more than fourteen seconds, and in Colorado, I ran at night and worked during the day, and when I wasn't working, I was hiding my body under hoodies and leggings while I ran around my haunts taking photos. I was always tan in Nevada and Florida because I was always swimming, and that's about how my skin is shaping up now. I'm about three weeks away from the leather bag look, and I'm so excited. I just told Stevie we have to become a deep brown while she's here, because this feels pale to me now. I recognize that I'm actually pretty tan, but it isn't enough, god dammit. I was always a gloriously brown little girl, and I want back at that. 

Also, it's time for a new tattoo. My design is going on my forearm , and Derek and I were talking about finding a way to appropriately get something symbolic to Hawaii that wouldn't make us look and feel like huge posers, and Stevie and I are talking about getting tattoos together while she's here, but that just doesn't feel like enough for me. 

I almost always smell like coconut oil now, because my SunBum smells like coconuts. I love Hawaii me. I love Hawaii. I feel so fucking lucky to live here. 

Except for these god damn papers I have to write. About Hawaii. I'd really rather not. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

A new scholastic problem

A source I used for my paper on Chinese tourists cited itself with a Chinese character. I...I don't know where to put it in my reference list.

FUCK NOW THERE ARE FOUR. How do I organize them???